Page 168 of Fiery Romance

“Why not?”

The warmth of her center grinds against my front. “I…because…”

“Mm?” I move to undo her robe, but tugging at the bow only knots it further. Was Island a Girl Scout in her childhood? Who taught her to tie knots like this? It’s a totally unnecessary skill to have.

I growl in frustration.

I’m so close to ripping her robe in two and leaving it tattered on the floor.

But Island groans and wrenches herself off me.

I feel the loss and, from the raging protest erupting in my pants, my body does too.

“Taz is back,” Island says bluntly. Her body is still on top of mine, but her eyes are focused on the painting and her muscles are tense.

She’s waiting for me to explode with anger and accusations.

Instead, I reach up and kiss her gently.

She gasps into my mouth and I hold her there, tasting her surprise.

Her hands push on my chest. This time, I can tell she’s thrusting me away.

“Aren’t you bothered?” Island mutters.

Easing back, I assure her, “Why would I be bothered by him? There is nothing he can do to take you from me.”

“He was in my life first.” It sounds like she’s trying to convince herself. “We have a promise ring.”

“I can give you a ring.”

“Don’t joke like that.”

I’m completely serious.“We both have a past and it’s not like you kept him a secret.”

“I know. I just,” she shifts on my lap and the slight change in position makes her rub against me so sweetly that I nearly groan, “I don’t want to do this—” She gestures between us—“under these circumstances.”

“What circumstances? Have you chosen him?”

“No, but—”

“That’s all I need to know.”

“I feel like you don’t understand what I’m saying,” she huffs.

But I do.

My blood is roaring and yet I can’t have her.

This is the second time I’ve been thwarted. Ineedto be inside her. I need her taste on my tongue. I need our arms and legs entwined. Our bodies becoming one. Her intoxicating moans filling my ear as I angle her body just how I want it before I drive into her.

But I love her too much, too passionately, to continue when she wants to stop.

My body stiff with disappointment, I set Island away from me and get up gingerly.

“I’ll see myself out.”

“I’m sorry, Clay.”