Page 162 of Fiery Romance

I tsk and drag my finger down, tracing circles around her chest. She leans into my touch, eyelashes fluttering.

I smirk. “You can deny me, but can you deny yourself?”

Her skin feels hot beneath my hands. Her beautiful lips part, gasping, as her body betrays her.

My body is responding too. Island glances down and lets loose a small, tight laugh. “What do you plan on doing to me here with all my clients and employees five feet away, Mr. Bolton?”

“Nothing that can’t be postponed until tonight,” I say.

She goes rigid beneath my touch and presses her thighs together as if she thinks I’ll part them right here, right now.

What dirty thoughts you have, sweetheart.

To be fair, I wouldn’t be against finishingthatbusiness during our talk tonight either. But I do have something important to say to her.

Island makes a reluctant effort to pull away, but her hips remain pressed against mine. “I’m not bowing to your threats. The only reason I’m agreeing to see you tonight is because I have something to discuss with you too.”

“Looking forward to it,” I whisper.

She scoffs. Even tight with annoyance, her face is beautiful. The flare of her nose, the luscious lips. She doesn’t have an ugly angle or expression.

Excited footsteps burst out of the hallway. Abe and Regan are back.

Once the children are within eyesight, Island and I are already meters apart.

Abe thanks Island again.

Regan gives Island a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I usher the children out of the salon amidst cries of ‘bye Regan’, ‘see you tomorrow, baby’ from the technicians who beam over her as if they’re blood relatives.

In the car, Abe takes the backseat and stares moodily through the window.

When we arrive home, I park in the driveway and look back.

“You guys have three hours to do your homework and then I’m taking you to the farmhouse. Sunny’s mother will be visiting and she invited you both for fry jacks.”

“What are fry jacks?” Abe asks.

“I… have no idea.”

Regan cheers. “Can I take Mr. Giraffe?”

“Sure, princess.”

We pile into the house. I watch Regan tear up the stairs to her room before pulling Abe aside.

“Just a minute, son.”

He stops, his shoulders ram-rod straight. After skipping rehearsals and rushing to Island without informing me, Abe must expect a scolding.

But I don’t have one.

Lowering myself to his level, I place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Did you and Island have a good talk?”

“Yeah.” A glint of courage enters his eyes. “And we’ve decided to beat your stupid password puzzle. I’m taking all of mom’s pictures back.”

I keep my expression somber but, inwardly, I smile.