Page 163 of Fiery Romance

‘It’s not a bad idea,’ Darrel said early this morning when I ran the password challenge by him.‘You’re taking something away, but also offering it back in an engaging manner. I like it.’

Putting Anya’s pictures in storage was surprisingly easy.

Dealing with Abe’s wrath was not.

His expression when he saw the frames were gone struck me right in the heart. It didn’t matter what explanation I gave him. All he felt was betrayal.

I knew it would happen.

But it still hurt.

If I didn’t have the safe to dangle in front of him, I think Abe would have done much worse than run away to Island for advice.

“How long do I have to figure it out?” Abe asks, his eyebrows scrunched.

“As long as you need, soldier.”

He nods sharply and stalks up the stairs. A moment later, he shuffles back down with a sheepish expression.

“Is there any way I can get another hint?”

“Abe,” I warn.

“Figured.” He sighs and hurries back up the stairs.

I squeeze my eyes shut, exhausted. Putting the past away is difficult. I knew this path would be a thorny one, but I’m grateful to Island for showing me that Icanmove forward.

Now, I just have to convince her to move forward with me.

* * *

The doorto Island’s apartment widens.

She’s wearing a fluffy robe with a bow that is wrapped tight and knotted twice. A pair of long, heart-dotted pyjama pants flow down to her ankles. Her face is washed clean, no makeup or lipstick. A bonnet covers her braids and it bulges up like an oversized brain.

I would be willing to bet my entire security company on the fact that she is wearing her most comfortable and baggiest pair of panties.

Tonight’s attire is an armor.

A silent declaration.

My legs are staying closed tonight.

I applaud her effort.

I laugh at her naiveté.

To believe I wouldn’t find her attractive in this manner was a gross miscalculation.

“It’s a little early to be in your pyjamas.” I make a show of checking my watch.

She blinks slowly, her fingers digging into the doorknob. “Tonight is about talking.Talking. We will exchange words, come to certain understandings and then we’ll see what happens.”

“I had a different idea.” I lift the bag with the logo of a pharmacy emblazoned on it.

Island’s chest heaves. She lifts her chin, even as she licks her lips longingly. “Is that—”

“It’s medicine.”