The feeling was mutual.

My eyes swept down his form as he tugged my shirt up and off. “Fuck,” he rasped. Hands trailed over my pecs and down my abs. I wasn't the most cut guy out there, but I had enough to be appealing to the eye.

“I want to see you too.” When I went to grab his shirt, he beat me to it. One second he was covered, the next, buttons were flying, and his shirt is spread wide.

My jaw dropped at the porn worthy move. If I weren’t so aroused, I’d applaud him for it. I loved knowing he wanted me so badly he was willing to destroy his rather expensive shirt to get naked quicker.

“Eager,” I mumbled as I surged forward to pull him into a kiss.

Chance met me halfway, pouring his desire through each stroke of his tongue against mine. Hands tore at clothing as we fought to take control. I didn’t really care who topped this time. It was usually my preference to be in charge, yet I found I didn’t care with this man.

He had an air about him that lent me the confidence to trust him. Was it irrational? Fuck yes, it was. But I still wanted to.

I only fought back for power to see how he’d react. Would he put me in my place? Or would he allow me to take control?

As a switch, I found testing my partners to be part of the fun. I loved when a man would take control, dominating me in such a way I’d melt beneath his touch. Chance was just the type that had to be packing enough in those dress pants to spread me wide.


Thinking about his cock only made me hornier. I panted against his mouth. “Want you to prep me.”

At my words he froze. “You want… to bottom? I can fuck you?”

If I weren’t about to bust in my pants from the harried look he had, I’d have laughed. His hair was out of place, and his clothes were strewn about around us. He looked like he’d already been fucking me. I loved it.

“Yeah, I do. Want you to fuck me. I bet you know just what I need, don’t you?” I bit my lip as I looked him over. His underwear was a plain baby blue color. The fabric strained against the monster cock he was packing.

I fucking knew he’d be perfect.

Not waiting for him to take the next step, I pulled back and took off to the bedroom. He could either follow me or leave. I would get off either way. The first was obviously my preference. A dildo wasn’t going to cut it when I knew what I’d be missing out on.

The sound of footsteps echoed behind me as I made my way down the short hall. I pulled out lube and a condom. Tossing them on the bed, I went to turn only to be stopped by hands on my hips. Chance nipped my bare shoulder, growling deeply.

“You can’t fucking say that shit, then walk away from me.” He ground his cock against me. His warm skin told me he’d stripped the last of his clothing somewhere between the living room and here.

I hummed as I pushed back against him. “You say I can’t, yet I did. Maybe the word you want is ‘shouldn’t’, though I’m not a fan of that either. Being told what to do doesn’t always work on me.”

His laugh sent chills up my spine. It didn’t sound very friendly. More like the kind an evil villain might give to their enemy when they had them bound and at their mercy.

I really wanted to be at Chance’s mercy.

The things he’d do to me. I bit my lip as I fought against the urge I had to tell him to hurry the fuck up and get this party going. I wanted to be stuffed and fucked and begging to come.

Yet he wasn’t rushing anymore. Something had changed. Hopefully it wasn’t enough to make him not want to continue what we’d started.

I was about to ask what his deal was when a firm hand met the back of my neck. He gripped me tightly, then pressed me forward until my face pressed against the bed. I turned my head enough to breathe. Anything further might have interrupted the moment. I wasn’t going to risk it.

As I waited, he kept quiet behind me. It was like he was taking in the picture of me fully bent over and cataloging it in his mind. Making it a permanent memory.

It’s what I’d do if the roles were reversed.

I had no doubt this was a one-time thing. Usually, I was fine with that.

But Chance kind of made me want to break my own rules. He made me want to ask for his number and maybe plan another night together.

Not like a date or anything. I didn’t have time for that. And from how he acted earlier, he wasn’t even openly out. His fucked-up family would have been an issue too.

It didn’t matter now though. My bed wasn’t a place for that drama.