He really did get it. The need for privacy and the urge to play both sides of the coin. To give and to take, to be all of what someone needed and wanted.

I never held it against anyone who preferred strict roles. It just wasn’t for me. Some days I needed to rough someone else up. I wanted to hold them down, fucking them until they pleaded for me to fill them with my cum.

Other times, I needed to be pumped full. I needed a cock to split me open, reminding me I was just a normal man in need of being told what to do. I wasn’t some form of political royalty in waiting for his chance to rule. I was a horny man getting his prostate worked over by some really good dick.

Considering his offer for a half second, I decided to let myself have this one thing. I never stepped out of line. I’d spent my life following the demands of others. Their rules and ideas. My degree and my current career weren’t even things I wanted to do. It was all decided over an afternoon meeting between my parents and their team of advisors when I was around six. I wasn’t even in on the conversation, not that I’d have had much say anyway.

“How close is this place?” I asked him, decision made.

He threw some bills on the counter, then stood and extended his hand. “Come on, handsome. It’s within walking distance.”

I nearly winced at the notion. This wasn’t the best area of town. Didn’t mean his place was going to be horrible though. Beautiful things could grow from destruction. I’d seen it myself.

We rushed from the bar hand in hand. I didn’t stop to think about anyone seeing us or even the possibility of a photo being taken. I’d deal with the consequences later.

Tank was offering me a bit of freedom. I had to grab hold. This ride, wherever it took me, was going to be worth it. I knew it.




How the fuckdid I get so lucky?

The insanely attractive man beside me was like my walking wet dream. He’d slipped into the bar earlier and immediately caught my attention. It took me half an hour just to work up the nerve to approach.

Partly because I thought he might be meeting someone. Partly because I had a feeling he also might have just wanted to be alone.

I kept my eye on him for every single one of those thirty minutes. When he didn’t take more than a sip or two of his beer, I decided to take the risk. Worst he could say was no.

Hell, he didn’t even check his phone. That had to mean something, right? Like he wasn’t in a hurry. And maybe he’d be up to warming my bed for a bit.

I wasn’t a stranger to one-night stands. They were a specialty of mine, really.

But this would be different.

Couldn’t tell you how I knew, but I did. This guy, Chance, was going to ruin me in all the best ways. I wanted him to. Needed it, really.

The walk to my place went quickly. While it didn’t look like much from the outside, it was basically a fortress once you got past the entry. I kept myself in the seedier part of town for two main reasons. The first was because most of my clients came from the area. It made things easier if I was accessible.

Secondly, the more unattractive the place was on the outside, the less likely people were going to want to find out more. I never got broken into because people didn’t believe there was anything worth stealing behind my doors.

Mind you, I didn’t have millions or anything. I was still in the early stages of my plans. I wanted to build something indestructible. Something that would help people who needed it.

One day.

“You weren’t lying about it being close,” Chance said from behind me as I unlocked the door. He stood still behind me as I keyed in the code for the alarm system.

He only moved closer once I relocked everything and armed it for night mode. I felt his arm band around my waist, then his mouth was on my neck. He trailed kisses across the skin he could reach as his hands went about tugging my shirt free from my pants.

I chuckled at the urgent way he moved. “You in a hurry?”

“For you? Hell yes. I don’t indulge often. You’re going to be my nightcap.”

Turning to face him, I grinned at the terminology. This man screamed old money. He was the type of man I often caught in his lies because a wife needed the final nail in the prenup coffin.

Except this man wasn’t married. And he was very interested in my dick.