I rolled my eyes. “The doctor told you I didn’t nearly die. We’re all fine. Why aren’t you worrying over the rest of the team as much?”
“Because we’re all mostly trained for this. Plus, you know, he’s not in love with any of us,” Memphis sassed as he strode into the room.
His words made Tank scowl. “What are you doing in here? Is everything ok?”
“Sure is. Just wanted to let you know that the meat is in the freezer for later. The doc got it all patched up nicely.”
I raised my brow at his words. If I had to guess what that was code for, I’d have to go with Lune and Pratt being held somewhere after the doctor checked Lune’s bullet wound. One glace at Tank told me I was right. His sinister grin only came out when he was speaking of revenge or torture. I’d seen it a lot these last few days.
“Excellent! Thank you for coming to tell us.”
Unable to let things go, Memphis pressed, “When are you going to let your pet roam free?”
I grinned widely. “Oh, I’m not the pet here.”
Tank avoided looking at me, though his tight shoulders and avoidance proved to be enough evidence. Memphis guffawed loudly before he could stop himself.
With raised hands, he slowly backed out of the room. “I didn’t hear a word, boss. Not a single pet name related thing.”
As soon as the door shut, Tank groaned. “Why did you have to tell him that? He’s going to use it at the most inappropriate moments.”
“Because it was funny and ironic. Because I’m tired of being trapped in this bed. Because I want to remind you that you are indeed my pet.”
My voice had gone husky the more I spoke. I hadn’t meant to tease him, really. It was just hard not to when he walked around looking so fucking hot and demanding.
I’d known Tank for so long, I thought there would be nothing else to learn about him. That many years should have meant I knew all there was to know.
Except I’d never seen him in his element.
Not fully, anyway.
But what a sight it was.
Tank as the leader of NightShade Security was the stuff wet dreams were based on. His ability to lead and guide his team, along with the ease with which he carried himself, made everything else fade into the background. There was only him.
And I was addicted.
“When are you going to let me out of this bed?” I asked.
“I’m not sure.”
The admitted words were a whisper in the space between us.
I shook my head. “Baby, you have to trust that I’m ok. It’s been days. The doctor gave everyone else clearance after twenty-four hours. Why am I being held back?”
“Because I almost lost you!”
He sighed, scrubbing his eyes as his voice softened. “I almost lost you. Lune and Pratt got too close. They had you drugged and strapped to a chair right in front of me. The man held a gun to your head.”
“I know,” I told him. “I watched the security footage.”
Luckily, Memphis had the foresight to monitor the coming and goings of the war room. It wasn’t anything someone could access unless they wired into his computer directly, which gave us a touch of privacy.
For its purpose though, it showed to be valuable in filling in the blanks of our abduction. It also showed the guys there was a need for tighter protection in house. The fact that those two managed to get in at all was enough to make them want to change things.
“Then you understand why I can’t just let it go. I need to know you’re safe.”