Reaching out, I took his hand in mind. “Baby, there is no such thing as one hundred percent safe. To keep me here is to turn me into a caged bird. Neither of us wants that.”

His gaze dropped to our hands. I waited for him to say something because it seemed like there was more to what he wanted. Like he’d been holding back.

“Move in with me.”

Wait, what?

That wasn’t at all what I was expecting.

Despite my surprise, I easily said, “Yes,”

Tank’s eyes met mine. “Really? You’ll do it?”

“Of course I will. Especially since I think it means you’re willing to let me up out of this bed. I want to start our life together. To build a space with you where we don’t have to hide any longer.”

“That means some big changes,” he said solemnly.

“I know. And I’m ready for them. Life is too short to pretend to be someone I’m not. If I can’t win this election based on who I truly am with the person I love beside me, then I don’t want it.”

The smile he shot my way was filled with love.

“Then that’s what we’ll do. First we move in together. Then we tackle everything else.”

‘Sounds like the start of an amazing future.”

In the wakeof Lune and Pratt’s attack, things at NightShade changed. The guys were more relaxed yet also more aware. They upgraded the security of the building, along with putting in sensors all over the place should someone need to activate a distress beacon.

I was told time and time again that it was a precaution. With each new level of security, I wondered just how true it was. Some of their measures made sense. While others were outlandish.

“No! I will absolutely not wear this necklace all the time.” I put my foot down on the issue.

Memphis frowned as he held up the device. “Listen, Chance, we didn’t have a lot of say in the design, you know. Let’s just accept this as Tank’s need for right now. You can wear it under your clothes.”

“So I can look like some knockoff superhero? No thanks. I don’t need any of that. Where’s Tank? I’ll go talk to him about it.”

“He went upstairs to your place,” Memphis replied with a sigh.

I took off for the private elevator. It was time to look my boyfriend in the eye and tell him how ridiculous he was being.

To think he believed I’d just go along with it. That thing was so big and bulky. It looked four times the size of the one I’ve seen advertised for elderly people on tv.

When I made it to our place, I expected to find Tank in his office. It only made sense given it was the middle of the afternoon. Why else would he be up here?

My answer came the second I stepped into our bedroom.

Because there was my boyfriend, ass in the air, as he pressed two fingers into his ass.

His eyes were fixed on the door, almost like he expected me to walk through it at this exact moment. He couldn’t have known unless he…

“You asshole,” I groaned as I let the last of my anger fade.

I strode to the bed, stopping only once I was hovering over him.

Tank arched his back, letting out a hoarse, “Hey, babe.”

“Don’t you try to sweet talk me. You rile me up, then have the nerve to tempt me with this ass.” I smacked said ass to be sure he knew I was still in the moment for our game.

Whatever brought on this moment, I was happy to continue with the charade. Especially if it ended with me buried inside him.