I didn’t hesitate to nod. “Of course. Let me get my phone to text Emmett now.”
“Don’t forget to tell Marten too. He’ll likely show up here with soup and shit. Tell him you’re highly contagious or something,” Tank said as he lifted his bag and motioned that he’d be going to the bedroom.
He’d been here twice before, though both times were under the cover of darkness and way before my announcement to run for a civil position. Since then, I’d barely changed a thing.
Thinking of how my life hadn’t changed much was rather disturbing. If I let myself get too caught up in it, our time together would be overshadowed by these dark thoughts.
I shook the depressing ideas away as I texted Emmett.
Chance:Emmett, I’m taking the next couple of days off. Too sick to work. Please get with Marten to coordinate my schedule and rearrange anything important I might miss.
While I should have been surprisedto see a response right away, I sadly wasn’t. If my father thought Emmett to be such a great hire, it was likely because the young man hadn’t set anyboundaries. Why else would a young twenty-something man be working this late?
Emmett:Do you need anything? We can deliver whatever you need. Perhaps working from home would be an option as well. We’re awfully close to the election. Every day counts.
Chance:While I understand the concern, if I’m around others, I’ll likely get them sick. It’s best to let me get over this completely before I endanger anyone else. Once I’m well enough, I’ll return to business.
Emmett:Your father…
I ignoredwhatever he said next. There wasn’t anything he could say after those words to make me want to listen. I shot off one last text to him before switching over to the chat I had with Marten.
Chance:Emmett, I don’t much care what my father says. I’m not coming in. Best of luck.
Chance:Hey, Marten. I’m sick. Need a few days off. Already told Emmett. He’s being stubborn. I’ll make it up to you later.
Marten didn’t respond right away.I had no doubt he was already snuggled up in bed watching some trashy show or the latest reality competition. His phone was probably on silent too, just how he liked it after business hours.
After doing the same to mine, I took off to find Tank since he hadn’t made it back to the kitchen. When I stepped into the bedroom, I froze at the vision of my boyfriend unpacking his suitcase.
It looked like he’d gathered enough clothes for a full week rather than a couple of days. Not that I was complaining, of course.
But the way he put it all in place left me reeling.
This was what I wanted.
Him here with me always. I wanted to watch him unpack after a work trip, knowing he’d be home with me and sleeping in my arms. Or that I’d be tangled around him, because we both were verse about the big spoon-little spoon life.
“Oh, hey,” he said when he saw me leaning in the doorway. “I’m almost done. I might have gone overboard in my rush.”
I shook my head. “It’s fine. Leave it all here. Bring more. I don’t care. I like it.”
His smile went a bit pained. We both knew he couldn’t actually leave all his clothes here. That wasn’t a possibility no matter how much we both wanted it.
Rather than dwell on it, I wrapped him in a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Me, too. I couldn’t get here fast enough.”
Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, I asked, “Are you hungry? I was eating a sandwich, but I have some prepared meals in the fridge. It’ll take a bit in the oven though.”
“I don’t mind waiting. Being with you is enough.”
His words settled me in a way nothing else could. I wanted to hold onto this moment. Wanted to keep it with me because I knew no matter how much I hoped and prayed, we were on a time crunch. Forty-eight hours together and then real life would sweep back in.
I had to enjoy every second I could.