He hummed, as if he were solving a puzzle. I really, really hoped he might be. I was up for just about anything so long as it involved time with him.

“Get home and shower. Put on something comfortable. I’ll have an update for you in about half an hour, ok?”

“Um, ok?”

The line went dead before I could ask what the hell he meant. Was he going to sneak in to see me? Or was he going to get me into his place? A hotel was absolutely out of the question. I’d seen more than my fair share of scandals involving what should be a neutral place.

I much preferred to learn from example rather than to fuck up myself.

We reached my place not long after the call, and after bidding my driver goodnight, I did as Tank had said. I stripped down, showered, then snagged the comfiest sweats I could find. I even got so bold as to pack a bag in case it was me going to his place.

With nothing left to do, I went to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. I was two bites into a sandwich when there was a knock at the door. I frowned, wondering who in the world it could be. Tank would have called if he were coming, right?

I went to the front, taking a minute to check the security cameras I had set up. The man on the screen wasn’t one I was familiar with. His intimidating size and stature left me hesitating.

“What do you need?” I asked through the speaker instead of opening the door like I’d planned.

He smiled at the screen, then pointed to the box behind him. A box I hadn’t noticed.

“Delivery. I was told you’d be expecting it.”

My eyes widened as I thought over the possibilities. It could definitely be a trap of some kind. But it could also be a decoy to get Tank into my house without anyone else noticing.

I had to take the risk if it was him.

Opening the door, I met the man’s amused stare head-on. “Do I need to sign for something?”

He handed over a digital tablet for me to scribble on. I did so quickly, barely making anything legible, then moved to the side for him to wheel the giant box in. It was really more of a crate than a box, though I don’t think anyone truly cared about my opinion on the matter.

As soon as he had it inside, he rushed out the door. “Have fun,” he shouted as he slammed it behind him.

Had I not been clued in before, I definitely was now. I rushed to pry open the straps keeping the damn thing closed.

Once they were free, I stepped back so the wood plank could drop. When it did, I got exactly what I’d been wishing for.

“Hey, baby,” Tank said as he leaned against one side of the crate.

I reached for him, and he met me halfway. We came together in a rush of need, our mouths fusing like it had been years rather than days since we’d seen one another. It was always this way. Always with an eagerness we couldn’t seem to diminish no matter how much time passed.

Eventually we both needed air, so we pulled apart. I smiled then, happy to know he was here.

“Why all the extra stuff? And how did you coordinate this so fast?”

He shrugged. “I’m resourceful when need be. And I have people who owe me favors all over the city. That was a buddy of mine from the club. He lost to me in a poker game ages ago, so I asked him to do this fake delivery instead. Since he’s good about keeping club secrets, I figured he wouldn’t tell anyone where I was going.”

I shook my head. He’d thought of everything. There was a bag in the crate too, which gave me hope he wasn’t going to try to sneak out in a few hours.

“How long do I have you for?”

“My heart is yours forever.”

Poking his chest, I grinned and said, “Good to know. That’s not what I meant.”

“I know what you meant. I’m not sure how to answer, unfortunately. Given there’s no chaos in the next forty-eight hours, I’ll be yours.”

My jaw dropped. “Two days? I get you for two whole days?”

“Sure do, baby. But you’ll have to call in sick. As much as I like the idea of being your kept plaything sometimes, I’d lose my mind if you were at work all day. You wanna play hooky with me?”