Time stilled as I watched the pair interact. They were clearly good for one another. In just a short time, I could see my old friend peeking through the pain.

“Do we know who Tank’s guy is taking out?” Godric asked when no one else spoke up.

Cohen jumped in to add, “And does anyone know who this ‘guy’ is? Doesn’t seem fair he’s got a separate squad of killers on his roster.”

“Tank has lots of contacts, Cohen. We all know this. I have no clue who this person is, but he did tell me they’d likely take down Ajax since he was the one supplying the others with weapons. He's also the only one without a second-in-command. If he falls, we’re hoping there won’t be anyone left to pick up the mantle for a while.”

“How does he not have anyone to back him?” I questioned. It didn’t make sense.

Memphis answered with new-to-me intel. “Ajax is extremely paranoid, if the rumors about him are true. He kills for sport and only trusts a select few people. Most of them only last a couple of years before he offs them and starts over.”

“Why would anyone work for someone like that?” Archie said in a curious tone.

I leaned back and smiled. “Because they’re desperate.”

It wasn’t a real smile. It was meant to hide the realization that started once Memphis mentioned Ajax’s paranoia.

I’ve known of men like him, men who watched their backs so obsessively they could only see people out to get them.

“And they want the money,” Ronan added in. “A lot of these men have families who need what they can bring in. Even if it’s just a couple of years, it means getting out of poverty or moving to a better neighborhood.”

“Or sometimes they’re forced into it.” Godric had a good point there.

“Forced?”Archie repeated.

Godric nodded slowly. “Yeah. Forced. They get blackmailed or threatened into submission. Whatever it takes for guys like Ajax to get what they want in the end.”

The conversation from there went into a breakdown of what had to come next. Memphis suggested we make the plan to take Mordecai out now since we’d need to move fast after Tank’s guy did his part.

I half listened, my mind already knee deep in the muck of memories that had unwrapped themselves during our meeting. It was dangerous to sink into them, but I didn’t really have a choice.

Part of me already knew what had to be done. I just really didn’t want to fucking suggest it given my history with the whole thing.

Honestly, I never thought I’d be this close to a trafficking ring again. We’d done a good job of just being a private security firm for so long. NightShade was for celebrities and dignitaries, not people warring with the mafia or cartel.

I figured I’d never be around this type of stuff ever again.

But of course, I was wrong.

My attention came back to the conversation when Archie said my name. “He said Orion has an idea he doesn’t like but he thinks it will work for this Mordecai guy.”

I groaned. “Goddammit, Takeshi. You’re not supposed to call me out. Ignore him. I’m good.”

Ronan shook his head, his lips turning down as he demanded, “Fess up, Orion. If it helps us get him faster, then you have to tell us. I’m ready to be done with these fuckers.”

Should I tell them what I really thought? Give them the truth behind why I was feeling nauseous at this whole thing?

No, I couldn’t. It wasn’t time to unload my trauma on them.

Instead, I played a game of cat and mouse with them. I explained how these men would be wanting children they could traffic to other places. They wanted bodies to sell.

I suggested we do a bait and switch technique like we had on the other Gilded Ones member we took out. If we gave them the belief that it was enticing enough, then they’d come to whatever trap we set.

“And how do we do that?” Ronan asked me. “It’s not like we’re going to actually sell him children. Besides, why would he want to come see them in person? Photos do someone justice.”

“There are some things a photo can’t show. Some things these men want enough to travel for.” I paused, fighting back the bile that had risen. Memories assaulted me one after the other, stealing the calm I’d felt earlier.

Archie lunged forward in his seat. “No,” he whispered.