I should have realized he’d put the pieces together quicker than the others. He wasn’t used to the mask I usually wore. It gave him an unbiased view of the real me.
Turning to stare at the wall, I gave him a nod to confirm what he thought. “If we make him think he can be the first, that there’s a virgin or two up for auction, then he’ll come. Twins would be best, though triplets would be more than enough to entice him. The unique. The never before seen. That’s what he wants.”
My suggestion left the others strangely quiet for several minutes. It was like they were trying to piece together everything I hadn’t said. They wanted to know why I was getting emotional when I so rarely strayed from the playboy image I’d mastered.
Every minute that passed felt like a knife in my side. Each one slowly tore at me, bleeding me out though I had no open wounds to show for it.
Still, I was ravaged with pain. The pain of a past version of me. The one who never thought he’d make it to this point.
Much later, Memphis addressed us all while typing away on his computer. “I can create realistic enough imaging by mixing different facial patterns to entice him. I won’t use anyone real though. I understand the limit here, guys.”
Though I knew I needed to stick around, I couldn’t. I was too raw, too exposed.
As I stood, I gave them another piece of my puzzle. It was more truthful than anything else I’d ever shared.
“And if that doesn’t work, then we’ll go for the ace in the hole.”
“Ace?” Archie asked softly.
I turned to face him, letting all the emotion I felt inside show then. His eyes filled with tears instantly, as if his empathy could literally sense how bad it all was.
“Yeah. If he doesn’t want something new, then maybe he’ll want the one that got away.”
With that, I took off down the hall. I had no destination in mind. I only knew I had to get out of there. Had to get away from the eyes of pity that were assessing my every move.
If they couldn’t figure it out on their own, Takeshi would likely tell them. Or maybe Archie would, since I knew he caught on to my meaning as well.
The idea of going back to the hellhole that was found in human trafficking rings wasn’t one I entertained lightly. But I’d do it in a second if I could save others.
There hadn’t been anyone to save me all those years ago. There was no one to fight for me the way I can fight for these kids and these women.
I would go up against every nightmare I’ve ever faced if it would get even just one of them out of their clutches.
And once they were free, we’d tear down the entire system until there was nothing left but the bodies of those too greedy and evil to deserve to keep going.
I satinside the coffeehouse waiting for my chance to interrupt my target’s day. In six minutes, he’d step inside the building and get in line. It would take approximately twelve for him to make it through the few customers in front of him and to wait for his drink. After that, he’d spend two more mixing in additional sugar since he didn’t want to sound horrible to the staff, and he didn’t like others knowing how addicted he was to the stuff.
The plan was to intercept him between getting his drink and adding more sugar. He might be distracted enough to not immediately put his guard up.
Considering he was my last resort; I needed to make sure I didn’t fuck this up.
Months and months of prep work had brought me to this day. If one conversation could open the door to more information, then maybe I could finally get the answers I needed.
Maybe I’dfinallyfind him.
The bell above the door rang right on time. I looked up to see Detective Stabler walking through the door. He looked the same as always, a bit run down like he’d barely slept. Despite hisobvious exhaustion, his suit was pressed well, and he presented himself in a friendly manner to those around him.
Most of the people here would be completely oblivious to the gun and badge he had strapped to his person. They’ve assumed him to be some businessman who goes to sit in his office all day or some shit.
But I knew better.
I’d made sure of it.
Since the local police back home refused to help me, I set my sights higher. I climbed through every agency hoping to find someone with a sense of morals left in them to help me. Sadly, most people lost those the higher they got in office.