“The plan is simple. Sol and I will go to the park where Olivia is scheduled to be. I've already seen a picture of her, so I know what she looks like. I'll make sure to get a seat near her and make the right conversation. When things seem to be going well, I willtake a call from Orion and confirm things are good to continue. He will appear, and we will charm her into taking us to her father.”
"Charm,” Memphis mumbled. “What a joke."
"I am charming," I told him.
"Yeah, and reckless," Cohen added.
I frowned at him. "You're one to talk, blabbermouth.”
Tank raised his hands. "All right, boys, no need to get in a fit. You're all my favorites."
We rolled our eyes and groaned at him. He loved to lord over us sometimes when we got argumentative or when we couldn't come to an agreement.
He wasn't a dictator by any means. It wasn't like he said, "It's my way or no way." It was more that he knew such big personalities, when put together, could often turn violent. We didn't need to be against each other when there was much more outside of us we needed to take care of.
When we finished going over the rest of the plan, making sure everyone was where they needed to be for this to work, we loaded up and grabbed Sol from his time with Archie.
Archie was one of the best things that ever happened to NightShade and Takeshi. He took to working with Sol like it was nothing.
They studied the basics so he could see where the young boy was lacking in his education. They had plans to pick up a new curriculum, things that were certified by the school board and would count towards actual credits. For now, it was simply getting him accustomed to school again since it had been so long for him.
We left half the team behind at the office. Arick, Sol, Ronan, Cohen, and I were the ones heading out to catch up with Olivia. The others would stay and watch, letting us know if anything popped up.
They were also watching Varr, since he might have people keeping an eye on his daughter and spot us. So far, we hadn’t seen anything, but you never knew.
Memphis had hacked the cameras near his place so we would be aware of anything. We were still unsure how Varr had managed to get himself in touch with the Gilded Ones, but hopefully we would get enough incriminating evidence from this mission to find out.
When we arrived at the park, I pressed a kiss on Arick's cheek and hugged Sol as I sent them out of the SUV. I watched them walk away with a hand over my aching heart.
Those two were my world. I didn't want to risk losing them.
Knowing that they would only be a few feet away was still too far.
I took my eyes away from them to focus on Ronan and Cohen. Ronan had a grin on his face as did Cohen. I knew the former would not say anything, but Cohen was quick to speak.
“Someone is sprung over his dude.”
I laughed. “This is the man who is in love with his best friend and talking about marriage in front of everyone. Godric seemed a bit surprised.”
Cohen scoffed. "Yeah, right. He loves me, and we're getting married and going to have beautiful babies, though I'm still not sure how we'll do that.”
"You want kids?"
He shrugged. "I mean, yes and no. I always say it because that's part of the old perfect American image. Really, I just want Godric in my life forever.”
“I feel the same about Damari. He is my everything. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him,” Ronan added.
I was happy for both of them. They had found their forevers. I had never seen them as happy as they were with these other men.
And if marriage and kids were in their future, that's great. Hell, even I was considering the whole marriage thing and that was after promising I wouldn't rush Arick.
Sol was already mine, whether he wanted to admit it or not. I wouldn’t ask for more than he was willing to give, but I loved that boy. He had a piece of my heart from the minute I saw him.
Ronan pulled up his iPad screen and keyed in the code to give him access to what Memphis could see. Part of the screen showed the surveillance in Jackie Varr's house. The other was different camera angles in the park.
Arick wore an earpiece, which gave us a way to communicate discreetly as the mission started. Only Memphis held the reins to the mic. It was meant as a way to make sure Arick could stay focused.
Everyone was worried that Cohen's need to talk incessantly would interfere with his focus. There was a distinct chance that could happen.