Arick's voice came across the line as they approached the park. “It's okay, buddy. I'm right here. My eyes will be on you constantly. And Orion is just in the car. He will not let anything happen to you.”

Sol looked up at his father and nodded before turning and taking off for the slide. A surge of love swept through me. Not only was Arick trusting me with his heart, but Sol was too.

I saw how his little shoulders dropped when his dad said that I was close, and I wouldn't let anything happen. My role as protector was one that I cherished. I had no clue that all these years of putting in work for NightShade would come in handy in a different manner.

But they had.

My presence reassured them. They knew I was prepared for whatever came our way.

On screen, we watched Arick idly move over to sit by Olivia Varr. He gave her a slight smile and a tip of his head as he sat. She returned the gesture just like any other person would when greeted in a public park.

It was quiet for a few minutes before Arick laughed at something Sol did.

“They grow up way too fast,” he said out loud, as if talking to himself.

Olivia turned her head. “They do. Which one is yours?”

He pointed towards Sol. “That's my boy. My pride and joy.”

She smiled, then pointed out her three children. “Those three are mine. I know what you’re thinking — what kind of crazy person has three kids? They outnumber me and my husband. It's a madhouse.”

Her words were said in a friendly way. There was no hostility to be found.

Arick took the opening to keep talking. “Three kids. That is a lot. Good on you for letting them get some energy burned off. I know my boy always sleeps better when I do.”

Olivia threw her head back and laughed. “That's exactly the plan. I could use some mom time. Or dad time for you.”

Arick waved a hand at her. “It's the same thing. Just peace and quiet while they aren't into everything. It's so hard making sure they’re safe and keeping them provided for.”

She nodded slowly. “It really is. I always feel like I'm not doing enough. There's just so much in the world you have to consider.”

That was my cue to dial Arick's phone. It rang and he said, "Excuse me one moment."

He put it to his ear, and I said, "Sounds like she's good to go. You think we have an in?”

Arick, playing his part, said, "Oh, that's wonderful sweetheart. I'm glad you finished up early. Did you want to join us at the park?"

I chuckled and said, "Sounds like a plan. I'll be there shortly."

He said, "Aww. Love you too. See you soon."

He hung up and put the phone down, his cheeks turning bright red as I stared at my own phone in shock. Ronan and Cohen were giving me knowing glances. I couldn’t even respond or say anything.

Did he say he loved me because of what we're doing or because it was part of his role in this mission? Was it a slip of the tongue?

I had a million questions and none of them would get answered for a while. Not only was he wearing a microphone that my entire team would be able to hear, but we were also in the middle of a fucking mission.

I pocketed my phone and jumped out of the car. I jogged over to where Arick was, picked him up from the bench and kissed him soundly on the mouth.

Olivia let out a surprised sound from off to the side, and I pulled back.

I turned to her, forcing myself to blush. "Sorry ma'am. I got a little too excited there.”

I reached a hand out.

"I'm Orion."

She smiled and shook my extended palm. "Nice to meet you Orion. I'm Olivia. I was just sitting here talking to — ”