He shouted, fisting my hair in his hands. I pulled up slightly, giving him a second. His chest moved in a harsh breath again.
There was a perk to blowjobs. I didn’t have to breathe anymore. I grinned.
“What’s with that evil grin?” Ren murmured, swiping his thumb across my lower lip.
“You taste good.”
“Insatiable, needy, Cat.” He blinked slower, then his head lolled.
“Ren!” I shouted, propping his neck before he tipped to the side. “Asher, what’s wrong with him?”
A hand settled on my shoulder, and I followed its guidance, until I crawled to the side. Asher leaned over the center console. He gripped Ren’s hair, forcing his head up.
“Be gentle,” I croaked. Had I killed him? Asher let Ren’s head go and he tipped to the side, forehead thumping on the window. Horror struck me. “I killed him!”
I clasped my face and tears had already begun to drip down my face. I shuddered on a gasp. “Why are you laughing?” I cried, shoving Asher’s shoulder so hard he pitched back. It only sent him deeper into a laughing fit. He managed to catch himself with a palm to the shoulder of the seat. “What have I done?” I cried, my hands hovering near my mouth.
“He’s not dead,” Tobias said, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror. There was an odd tone in his voice.
I whirled on Asher who finally calmed enough to swipe the corner of his eyes.
“He needs to feed, Pet.” Another coughing laugh.
I sank my fangs into my wrist.
“What are you doing—no!” His shout came too late. I’d already shoved my leaking wrist to Ren’s mouth. Once my blood smeared against his lips, his throat worked. He swallowed and on the third, he clasped my wrist to him.
“Okaaay, nevermind,” Asher drawled.
“What?” My slowed heart lurched, but I kept my wrist up to Ren’s lips. “You guys need to stop with the cryptic stuff.”
Tobias’s hands flexed on the steering wheel.
“It’s not supposed to taste good,” he said.
My lips twisted. My confusion must have been plastered on my face, because Asher said, “Vampires do not feed on vampires.”
I blinked, struggling to wrap my head around Asher’s comment. “It’s seen a little like cannibalism.”
I gasped, jerking back so fast my back hit the door and pulled my wrist from Ren.
“You’re scaring her,” Tobias snapped and yanked Asher to sit down. “And stop popping your head up. I don’t want to get pulled over. It’s a waste of time.”
Ren stretched his neck side to side with a groan.
I settled in the seat beside Ren, watching him while I wrung my hands.
The bed dippedunder my weight. Jax’s eyes were closed. He hadn’t moved from the chair he’d been in since I ran off.
I poked his chest, but he didn’t move.
“Jax?” I said it low at first but repeated his name louder.
Not even a twitch.