Page 38 of Feeding Frenzy

She looked at him, hand on her chest.

“Nothing at all. I would never harm them.” She almost sounded offended. “But you have nothing to worry about. They are otherwise occupied. Now, sit pretty and do not move from that spot. You are not to release her. Or touch her.” With that she turned, the length of her skirts fluttering around her ankles as she disappeared through the open door.

“Catalina. I’m compelled to do as she says.” Like humans were to vampires. Just how Asher had stood by the orgy.

I struggled to move my heavy head. The taste on my tongue was awful. I clawed back to consciousness.

“Is that her ability?”

“No, it’s because she’s my Sire.”

I hummed. I floated on a bed of nails. Pinpricks across my body hurt like I was being stabbed with mini swords. So many things were broken. So much ofmewas broken.

“I shouldn’t have—” his eyes shuttered and his nose scrunched from how hard he closed them. I pried my eyesopen. He looked so off. So dejected. So defeated. I shouldn’t feel sympathy, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want him in pain.

“Tell me something?”

“Anything,” he said it like a vow.

“How did you meet her?”

He went quiet and I waited, because what else could I do? Finally, he spoke.

“Asher sold his body. I thieved.” His lips twisted bitterly. “Until I tried to steal from the wrong group.” He paused. “She appeared like a vengeful goddess.”

Ouch. His eyelids began to lower. “That’s what I thought when I first saw her. I was close to death, the stab wound to my throat caused me to slowly bleed out on the dirty street. As I lay there, half dead, she arrived. I believed she was my savior. She offered me strength by turning me and I wanted the same for Asher, so she changed him for me.”

He struggled to keep his eyes open.

“All she wanted was to use me.” He went quiet. “I realize it now, Kitten. I fought this crippling urge to make you mine . . .” His voice faded and he fell into his vampire slumber.

The sun had risen. Now that he was no longer aware, body-wracking sobs exploded from me. I lay in sweat, vomit, and blood, hoping for death.



I rolledover in my bed and stared at the ceiling . . . I could move! Had it all been a nightmare? I popped upright and almost smacked right into Bastien’s face.

“Bastien,” I cried and threw my arms around him. A sob wracked my body, and I buried my face in his chest. “Bastien,” I repeated. Even though I was in the dream world, my body still kind of hurt, like it felt the shadow of what had been done to me.

I pulled back to get a better look at him. Haziness at the edges of my vision made it difficult to see my surroundings.

Bastien’s red eyes weren’t wild or blank.

“Can you understand me?” my voice cracked.

“Yes, Little One,” his voice vibrated in my chest it was so deep, immediately the sound of his voice called my rapid pulse.

“Help me. Imogen won’t stop.” My voice cracked.

He sneered, tensing under my hands.

“Imogen?” he hissed and the awareness faded from his eyes.

The walls were suctioned into a black hole. Wait, no, not yet?—

“Kitten,” Jax’s voice floated into my consciousness, ripping me fully from the dream.