Page 37 of Feeding Frenzy

Tobias swept his gaze across the madness. The bludgeoning continued. I would have gladly stayed to participate, if the drag of the sun wasn’t coaxing me to get to shelter.

“Asher’s Progeny lives on the east side, let’s go there.”

I nodded. “We’ll have to go on foot.”

Pieces of wall crunched under my boots. I climbed through the hole and into the night. It spit us out to the side of the building.

“Round to the back,” Asher slurred, but I was already on the path. I kept my focus on any approaching threats.

“Wrenhaven must also be behind the attack on Crimson Nights.” Attacking us and now Calliope?

“You know what that means,” Tobias said.

This was war. “A vampire world in strife will never allow Catalina peace. They will come at us, ruthlessly.”

My lips thinned. What was worse, war could be fought in many ways. I preferred a violent one opposed to the political upheaval all this would cause.



How long hadshe been hurting me? My vision faded around the edges. Every breath I took sent fire down my body. I hurteverywhere. Jax held my limp hand.

He took hold of my thumb.

“I am sorry, Kitten,” Jax croaked. My lip trembled. I kept hold of his blue eyes. My body hurt so much.

I couldn’t have stopped the screech if I tried.

Jax’s face crumpled. He grabbed the next finger—I think. I couldn’t distinguish between them because everything hurt so much. Snap.

My ears rang, turning my screams muffled.

A choked sound escaped Jax.

“Please, just kill me,” my voice trembled. Red spilled from the corner of his eyes, leaving a faint redness along the path it traveled to his chin. He grabbed the last fingers and, with a crack, finished the job.

Bile rose. The sour taste settled on my tongue, and I gagged. Vomit made it’s escape.

“Turn her head, she’ll choke,” Jax snarled. Imogen only laughed that tinkling laugh. Everything sounded far away.

I weakly coughed up, liquid trickling from the corner of my mouth and the nasty taste mingled with blood.

Asher was going to be pissy about his sheets.

“Kill me,” I slurred. His face was a blur. Good. The look on his face almost hurt as much.

A clang broke through my ragged panting.

The shutters trembled and descended. It would be morning soon.

Imogen stretched her arms up with a yawn.

“Time for bed, we can continue this in the morning,” she announced cheerfully. She clapped her hand on my already stinging cheek.

I wouldn’t last much longer.

“What did you do to the others?” Jax barked.