Page 27 of Feeding Frenzy

“I know what I’m saying. I’m taking myself out of the equation. I will go?—”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Jax snarled. He encroached on my space, and I shrunk backwards. I expected anger from Asher but not Jax. I squared my shoulders and lifted my chin.

“I don’t like Imogen,” I shouted back. “Something is off about her, and I think she’s lying to you guys.” I lifted my chin, not backing down from my death-defying words. Again, the silent stillness sent chills down my body. Now they all formed a half circle, staring at me. Bastien pressed his palm into my shoulder,curling his fingers into my muscle. He would cause tears to spill, if he kept it up. I had the desire to lean into him. Which was fucked up beyond belief.

I breathed hard, collecting my thoughts. They still hadn’t said anything as they studied me.

My theory about her hovered on my tongue, but a pitying twist rippled on their features.

“I understand you are not well since her arrival, Love.” My words sucked right back down my throat.

“There is no need to be jealous?—”

“I’m not just jealous!” I cut off Asher. “She’s manipulating you,” I forced out. “I know you guys don’t see it, but she is.”

Bastien paced behind me with thudding steps. His agitation worsened with every second. The others didn’t think he was there mentally, but they were wrong. And putting aside my confusion about him, he seemed to hate her with a passion. We agreed on that.

The front door opened.

All of their heads whipped toward it eerily.

“If it’s Alistair, I’ll kill him,” Ren’s chilling voice sent a shiver down my back.

Maddy sashayed past with grocery bags swinging. She inclined her head to us as she passed and gave me a confused look, before she disappeared. She’d definitely quiz me later. Suddenly, Jax had my arm in a rough grip, forcing me to my toes.

“I’m setting up a meeting with Alistair,” Tobias announced, his gray eyes piercing me.

“To discuss a Coven switch?” I asked hopefully. Maybe a little sarcastically.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Jax snarled. He manhandled me to the staircase. I fought it, fruitlessly. I shot Asher apleading look and he shook his head, his lips turned down with displeasure.

“I am not with you on this, Pet. You forget you are ours.”

“Contact your Progeny. Have them set up a meeting with Alistair at the club,” Tobias rattled off orders as he stormed up the steps in front of us, leading the way up. Everything was moving so fast.

Jax let up on his grip and my feet flattened on the floor sending a dash of pain to my calves.

Tobias stood before Asher’s bedroom, holding the door open while Asher’s fingers flew over the screen tapping out what he said to his Progeny.

Jax forced me through the door and to the bed with a hard push. I sprawled with my limbs akimbo. Asher was suddenly next to me, clipping a set of fuzzy cuffs from me to the bed.


I yanked, but it was too late, the latch closed.

“I can’t have him doing your bidding and breaking you out,” Ren’s words were filled with irritation. He shoved Bastien out the door. I cried out, jolting forward, fighting against the restraint.

“Let me out!” I shouted.

“It’s for your own good,” Asher said, determinedly.

“And Alistair’s,” Jax’s threat rang lower and threatening.

I gritted my teeth, stopping my useless yanking against the cuff.

Jax slammed the door.