“No, enough of all of this!” I jabbed a finger at him.
“Of what, human? Fun?” Imogen smirked.
“Shut. Up,” I retorted.
“Leave.” Tobias was showing fang at this point.
She sniffled and lightly touched her nose with the back of her finger.
“Imogen, things have changed in your absence,” Tobias said.
“But it hasn’t even been a century,” she cried out. “It was so easy for you all to forget me? Did you all forget I am the one who brought us together?” She dropped to the couch in a dramatic sprawl, sobs wracking her shoulder.
“Enough theatrics. I’ll deal with you later.” Tobias sighed.
“Fine,” Imogen shouted shakily and left the living room. “I have errands to run anyway.”
“Wait,” Ren snapped. “Release him.”
Her eyes widened slightly, but seeing Ren’s deadpanned face, she sighed. “Do as you wish, Asher.” She lifted her nose in the air and left the room. He staggered forward. Was that her special ability? Keeping someone in a spot?
Asher reached for me, and I smacked him away. He almost seemed hurt. He stormed over to Tobias and hissed words out so low I couldn’t hear them. Bastien touched my spine, andI stiffened. I shuffled away from Bastien’s crowding. Ren had joined their conversation. Looked like I wasn’t needed here anymore.
My heart gave a wretched little skip.
I believed they cared for me. Nothing like love, but some fondness . . . and I believed they didn’t want me hurt, and I counted on that.
I cleared my throat, pointedly.
They stopped their low conversation.
“You should be resting.” Asher strode to me; he brushed my hair over my shoulder. I looked up at him and then focused on the little dip at his throat. Looking at them kind of hurt.
I rubbed the sore spot the female vampire had gripped and the sting radiated up my limb. It didn’t help detract from the pain in my chest.
“Catalina?” Tobias murmured, attention turning to me. I’d taken the time to mull everything over and determine how to bring up my decision, but now I struggled to get words out.
I licked my lips to try again.
“I’m causing you guys problems.” I crossed my arms, pressing my lips into a thin line. Tobias didn’t have the right to look as concerned as he did. The softening of his lips and eyes shouldn’t get to me the way they did either. I felt sick to my stomach, so I bit the inside of my cheek hard. The pinch forced back the tears wanting to explode from my chest. I hurt so much.
“It is something we will resolve in time. Just keep patient?—”
“I’m hurt,” I shouted, Tobias’s words boiling my frustration over. Absolute silence from them. “And me, I can’t share like you guys.” I licked my lips. “It’s best for me to go, for all of you and for Imogen.” I barely contained my sneer at saying her name. Asher opened his mouth. I knew where his tirade would go. “I know,” I said forcefully. “Since you guys can’t compel me, youcan’t just let me go, but you never said I couldn’t go to another Coven.”
Asher snarled. I flinched, but didn’t cower.
“You care for me. I know it, you all do. If you don’t want me in pain . . .” I couldn’t help the break of my voice. Asher took over my vision, and his jaw feathered. “Let me go to another Coven.” Asher scoffed, taking a step back as he shook his head. The other’s seemed similarly stunned. I had no clue silence could feel this loud.
“You’re out of your mind.” I whipped to look at Jax standing at the entrance of the living room, an unholy look in his eyes. I stepped back and hit Bastien’s chest.
“I contacted Alistair.” Lie, but they didn’t know that. I was planning to do it once I got to my bedroom.
“You what?” Ren’s low hiss sent chills down my flesh.
I sensed they respected each other when interacting at Calliope’s place. The anger gracing their features though, had I made a grave miscalculation? Maybe I shouldn’t have shown that specific card yet. I licked my lips. Jax’s appearance dragged it out of me.
“You need to rest before you continue spouting more nonsense.” Asher huffed, taking hold of my arm. I wiggled out from his grip and forced my eyes up to his.