Is it right to make a scene at his parents’ anniversary party? No, not really, but I’m tired of these pretentious assholes thinking they can treat people like shit. Gabriel, though a bit odd, is a good person. I don’t like seeing him all torn up over his family being mean to him. They basically bully him, and that’s fucking ridiculous. He should stick up for himself, and shoving this in their face maybe isn’t right, but it’s what I would do. Maybe it’ll give him the confidence he needs.
What we do behind closed doors is not their business. We’re just friends and we will make that known to them. No harm, no foul.
I know it’s much more complicated than that. They aren’t looking for him to take afriendas a date. I think what they’re upset about is Gabriel not bouncing back from being left at the altar and that he hasn’t moved on yet. It hasn’t even been a year yet, though. I mean, damn, give the guy some time to figure things out.
He’s not married. No kids. He has a job they don’t feel is good enough. Basically, they’re forcing him to live up to their expectations, despite how miserable he is, and that’s bullshit. I do not approve.
Chapter Twenty-Five
My fingers tremble as I knot my tie for the fifth time. No matter how many times I do it, I can’t get it right. I tighten it to my neck, and groan when I see it’s still not right. Once again, it’s too high, making me look like a damn clown. I put my hands on the vanity and lean forward, taking a deep breath. My nerves are going wild. So much so that I can’t do the basic things that I do every day. This dinner with my parents is not worth this stress. Yet… I’m going anyway.
Why? That’s what I keep asking myself, and either I’m refusing to see it or I’m just a glutton for their displeasure. Because I am going to this anniversary dinner, even if it’s sans tie.
“Everything okay in here?” Storm asks as he steps into the bathroom.
I shake my head, sighing.
“What can I help with?” he asks, sounding much closer.
I turn to face him, ready to go off and let out all my annoyance, but I’m rendered speechless when I see him. Heather grey suit that’s tailored to fit him perfectly, crisp white shirt, blue tie. My dick instantly fills, growing tight in my pants. I close my eyes, needing a moment to clear my head. This has been my reaction to him lately, regardless of what he’s wearing, because it seems my attraction to him has grown astronomically. Ever since watching him get himself off, I can’t stop thinking about making him feel like that.
Despite my attraction and thoughts though, I have not been in the mood to do anything sexual with him, thanks to all this stress, and because of that, I’ve been getting in my head about it and now things are weird all over again. I can’t talk about it because that feels worse. Everything just feelswrongand I don’t like it. I feel like I don’t know anything anymore, like I’m living in a bubble on autopilot. I can’t keep things straight, I’m forgetting what I’m doing. Misplacing things. It’s all one big chaotic never-ending circle.
“I can’t get my tie right,” I mutter, staring at my feet.
We have to leave within the next ten minutes if we don’t want to be late. To say my nerves are a wreck is putting it mildly.
“Here, let me help.”
Storm steps into the bathroom more and undoes my tie, then expertly does it back up. I keep my eyes on his face as he works, his brow furrowed as he focuses. His eyes are so bright in the light of the bathroom. I’ve never noticed how blue they really are. They’re absolutely beautiful with a light blue ring around the center that gets gradually darker outward. His eye lashes are thick, skin flawless. And my god, he smells so good. His fingers brush against my chest, and even through the fabric of my shirt, he’s searing my skin.
Without realizing what I’m doing, I reach up and circle my hand around his wrist. He pauses, eyes darting up to me.
“Thank you,” I say softly, feeling the slightest bit of calm wash over me with his help with this task. Or maybe it’s because he smells so damn good, or just because he’s so close and warm. Somehow he’s become a safe place for me, even if so many parts of him scare the hell out of me.
He gives me a smile, tightening the tie just a bit more.
“You’re very welcome.”
We hold each other’s stare for a long moment, until I snap out of it and drop my hand. He clears his throat and steps out of the bathroom.
“I’ll be downstairs,” he says.
I get my jacket from my room, make sure I have my phone and wallet, and then we’re out the door.
“So, you’re leaving tonight after the party?” I ask as I back out of the driveway and turn down the street.
“Yeah, I’ll be back Monday evening.” From the corner of my eye, I see him grinning at me.
“What?” I ask.
“You gonna miss me?”
I scoff. “I’m going to enjoy having the house to myself.”
“That’s a lie.”