Page 61 of Bad at Love

I wait by the door, and when he pulls it open, he frowns.

“Do you need something?” he asks.

I narrow my eyes, not sure what to say to that. Do I need something? Yeah, I need to get the fuck off. But if he’s not into it anymore, that’s cool. I can handle it myself.

“Nope. Just wanted to make sure you’re good.”

“I’m fine,” he snaps, then moves past me and goes back to his room.

He’s grumpy this morning. I wonder why.

I know better than to start breakfast. He will tolerate me cooking dinner, as long as it’s on the grill and not in the kitchen, but I dare not try to ruin breakfast. A bad breakfast ruins his entire day. I’ve learned that from experience.

The only thing left to do is sleep. So I quickly do my business in the bathroom before going back to my room. I fall face down on the bed—thankfully my dick is soft—and pass the fuck out.

I wake up to an apology text from Gabriel.

Sorry about this morning. I had a text from my mother that I didn’t like.

I stare at it for a long time, deciding how to respond. His mood swings and bad moods don’t matter to me. I won’t take offense to them because we’re not in a relationship. We’re just fucking. Okay, not quite fucking, but getting each other off? No, that’s not right either. I’m getting him off and showing him how to get off? Yeah, that sounds weird as hell. Better we don’t try to explain it.Still, this stuff with his family is bothering him and so I respond nicely.

What did she say?

It’s only a few seconds before he answers.

That if I want anything to do with the family, I will show up to the anniversary dinner this Friday with a proper date.

I’m still willing to go.

I’m considering it at this point, just to stick it to them.

Stick it to them? I huff out a laugh. He says the weirdest shit.

Fuck it. Let’s do it. Come on, it’ll be fun. I haven’t been to a party in a while.

It’s not the kind of party you’re thinking of.

So let’s go party after.

I don’t party.

You should.


Well, I tried.

Fine. Take me as your date. I promise to act PROPER. They won’t have anything to complain about.

Except for you being a guy.

I grin. Yeah, except for that.

I’ve dealt with a lot of hate in my life as someone who identifies as pansexual. I’ve made videos with, slept with, and been in relationships with all sorts of people. I’m used to the hate. Especially after having an adult content channel that focuses on gay content. My inbox fills up with hate mail if I don’t go through it quickly enough. Truthfully, I don’t care. I mean, I do care because people are assholes and it’s unnecessary, but I guess what I mean is I don’t let it bother me. Though, I will say I throw around the word bi to most people because it’s easier than explaining how I really feel. I shouldn’t dumb down what I am, but I’m tired of having to explain myself to people.

Before Gabriel hinted at his family being homophobic, I already assumed they were. They’re the type. Maybe that’s judgy, but oh well. They’re still arranging marriages, for fuck’s sake. I mean, seriously? People still do that?

No, Gabriel didn’t share that information with me either. I overheard it because I’m nosey as fuck.