Page 107 of Bad at Love

I have to leave within five minutes or I’m going to be late, so I hurry up the stairs, knock on Storm’s door, and push it open.

“Morning. I just wanted—”

My jaw hangs open when I see the bed empty. I pop my head in to check around the door. Nothing. I check the closet. Empty. I leave the room and go to the bathroom, but that’s empty, too. I check my room. Empty.

I go back into his room, and that’s when I realize his stuff is gone. The closet is empty, his shoes are gone, his laptop… gone. The only thing that’s left is an envelope on the end table addressed to me.

With shaky hands, I pick it up and turn it over. It isn’t sealed, so I undo the flap and pull out a stack of money and a note. Idrop the money on the table before I sit on the end of the bed and open the note.


Thank you for letting me stay with you. I appreciate you taking me in when you didn’t want to. Here is enough money for the next six months’ rent—I hope it’s enough time for you to find someone to take my place. I’ll transfer the portion of your funds from the videos when I receive them, as promised.

~ Storm

The letter flutters to the floor, and I bury my face in my hands.

I’m too late.

If I’d just spoken to him last night… maybe he’d still be here.

I messed upagain.

Chapter Forty-Two


With my bags packed, I leave the house before the sun is up and walk the few blocks to Green Willow. It’s Monday morning, so Heather will be on shift. She’s probably the only person who will let me get away with what I’m going to ask. Though, it’s quite possible she won’t. I’m not sure what I’ll do then. I guess I’ll have to stick around longer than planned.

The front doors of the facility are locked, so I ring the buzzer and it takes a moment for someone to respond.

“Hi, can I help you?” a female says.

“Good morning. My name is Storm Andrews. My mother is a patient here, and it’s extremely important that I speak with Heather immediately.”

It’s silent for a moment, then, “I’m sorry, but Heather isn’t here today.”

“She works every Monday,” I respond, growing annoyed with this place. I know Heather’s schedule; I’ve dealt with her for months.

“Usually, yes, but she called in sick.”

Called in sick?

“Is there someone filling in for her?”

“There is, but I’m not sure he can help you. He’s a temp from another facility and, unfortunately, doesn’t know much.”


“Okay, will Billy be here this afternoon?”

“As far as I know, yes.”

With a sigh, I say, “I guess I’ll be back this afternoon.”

“Sorry about that, Mr. Andrews.”

I head down the steps and just walk. I’m not sure where I’m going or what I’m going to do, but with my plan shot to shit, I have to figure something out.