“You okay?” she asks quietly, looking over at the end of the couch where Daisy and Sage are out. “I see you smirking over there. What’s going on?”
I let out a sigh, dragging a hand through my hair. This can’t go on much longer because it’s eating me alive. All three of them would be so hurt if they knew I was keeping this from them, acting like I can’t trust them with one of my biggest secrets.
“I have something to tell you,” I whisper, the words falling from my mouth with a stilted hesitation. “But I gotta wake up Sage and Daze,” I add, and Sloane’s eyes go wide.
The poor thing has been through so much that anytime something feels off or someone says they need to talk to her, she panics. But the other thing, the other side of her, is that she’s so intuitive, acutely aware of other people’s feelings. It’s why she’s been asking me if I’m okay for the last couple of weeks.
Standing up, I walk over to where Sage and Daisy are asleep, shaking them both gently. I whisper, “I need you both to wake up. I gotta tell you something.”
I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or the constant stress of this weighing on me, but I need to get it out. I need this off my chest, and more than anything, I need someone to talk to about this. Getting their advice is something I do regularly, and right now, I could use it. A lot.
“What? Please tell me this isn’t about Pipe,” Daisy groans, rubbing her eyes as she sits up.
Sage is still lying there, her eyes open now, waiting for me, but I can tell if I don’t make it quick, she’s going to be out again.
“I slept with Flynn,” I blurt out, plopping back down on the couch next to Sloane.
I swear the cries of excitement that come from this house have to be heard for at least a mile. They are not only far more excited than I thought they would be, they’re also not at all pissed that I kept it from them. This is how I know they’re real friends, the kind that stick around, the kind that back you no matter what, the kind of friends that have become my family.
“I knew it!” Sloane shrieks, throwing her arms around me. “He’s so hot. And oh my god, was he amazing in bed?”
I don’t have a chance to answer her before Sage is cutting in, offended and letting out a scoff as she sits up, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You let me take the fall for the Luna Mae. It was you, wasn’t it?” she quips, pretending to be bothered.
I nod, smiling at her. “Thanks for letting everyone think it was you. You know I can’t be broadcasting this everywhere. This does not leave this room.” I look at each one of them, making them swear to secrecy.
“This isn’t something you share with Nate, Sage,” I add, hitting her with a playfully fierce stare. “And you either.” I turn to look at Daisy. “No telling Miles, got it?”
“Miles? Why the hell would I tell Miles?” Daisy hits back, her nose wrinkled up in disgust. “We aren’t speaking right now anyway, for your information.”
“But what about what you told me?” Sage now asks, a look of concern covering her face. “About not being able to get involved with him?”
“Yeah, that’s still an issue, which is why none of you can say anything. If this gets out.” I stop, shaking my head, my eyes falling closed, wondering if I’m making a huge mistake. “It could ruin my chances at Pipe, and Flynn’s coaching, and Jade.”
I’m trying not to let the guilt outweigh how I feel about him, but there are so many factors that play into this. Not that Flynn and I have crossed any lines when it comes to training or anything to do with Jade’s career.
I only know what he’s told me about her, complaining more than anything, and it was easy to draw my own conclusions once I met her.
“I heard Jade is a total…” Daisy starts, trailing off before she adds, “chipmunk under a nut tree.”
As soon as the words leave her mouth, Sloane and I burst out laughing. Leave it to Daisy to call it how it is, but Sage misses the joke, her brow furrowed as she tries to figure out what that means.
“She’s ditzy?” Sage asks, her head tilted to the side as she waits for us to respond.
“Think about it,” Daisy says, repeating the phrase again, this time holding up her hands to form the beginning letters of each word.
“Oh my god,” Sage spits out laughing. “She is? Nate asked Flynn if he could get her to do a signing at The Pipe Dream.”
“Yeah, she is, unfortunately,” I say. “I don’t think Nate realizes it, but it doesn’t matter. It will help The Pipe Dream to have her there.”
“You’ll be there too,” Sage reminds me, smiling. “I think people will be more excited to see you than her anyway.”
“That’s really sweet of you, Sage, but I don’t think that’s true.”
I lean back against the couch, letting out a hard sigh. It feels good to get it out there, but it doesn’t really change anything.Flynn and I still can’t be together, and I’m not sure we ever will be if he continues coaching Jade, and I do well at Pipe.
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Sloane asks, sounding genuinely serious, and sometimes I ask myself the same thing.