“You still there?” I ask, wondering if maybe I’ve freaked her out with my admission.
“I’m still here,” she says, and I let out a laugh. “What?” she now asks.
“I don’t know, I guess I didn’t expect silence when I said that.”
Now it’s Alana laughing. “Well, you didn’t exactlysayanything specific.”
“Spelling it out for you again, huh?” I ask.
She hums. “For clarity and all.”
I sit up, resting my elbows on my knees, the phone to my ear as I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly before I just throw it all out there, consequences be damned. “I really like you, Alana,” I say. “Like you in a way I haven’t liked anyone before. And I fucking wish our situation was different. That we could...” I trail off, my heart pounding in my chest at my admission. “I’d give anything for you to come over here right now. Anything.”
Even as I say the words, I wonder if it’s true, if I would be prepared to give anything for a shot at something with Alana. Does coaching Jade really mean that much to me? She’s already earned herself a world championship with me coaching her, how many more do I need to get her?
“I know,” she eventually says, letting out a sigh. “But we?—”
“We can’t, I know,” I say, my eyes closing.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.
“Don’t be. This isn’t on you,” I say, exhaling. “I should let you sleep. You’ve got an early start tomorrow.”
“Will I see you tomorrow?” she now asks, and I know she’s referring to the early morning runs I’ve been joining her on.
“I hope so,” I say, but I have every intention of continuing those runs with her. They are the best start to my day and with Jade now here, god knows I need it.
“Well, goodnight,” she whispers.
“Night, beautiful,” I reply, before hanging up.
The next day, I do run with Alana, but it feels different. This time there is no flirting and definitely no kissing or touching, almost like she’s deliberately keeping her distance from me. I don’t know if it’s Jade showing up early and being a bitch to her or it’s our conversation last night.
Whatever it is, I hate it, and I desperately want to fix things.
“What are you up to for the rest of your day?” I ask when we get back to our cars.
“Working this morning, and then I’ll get some training in this afternoon after I get done with the lesson.”
“You want some help with the lesson?” I ask, remembering how much fun it had been last time.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” she asks, looking up at me.
I step closer, tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear, not missing the way she shivers at my touch or the goosebumps that spring up along her neck. “I kinda don’t care,” I whisper, my eyes dropping to her mouth.
“Flynn,” she murmurs.
“I know, I know,” I say. “We can’t.”
Alana lets out a low groan now, and I swear it’s her that steps closer this time, closing the distance so there is only a fraction of space between us. My heart is pounding in my chest as the warmth of her body radiates toward me.
“Fuck, I wanna kiss you so bad right now,” I moan.
She blinks, her eyes locking with mine as she whispers, “Me too.”
I stare at her, at the emotions that are warring it out in her eyes and across her face. I know exactly how she feels, this incessant pull that I feel toward her, but at the same time, this overwhelming need to protect her, to make sure she gets every chance she can to surf at Pipe and make something of herself.
I reluctantly drop my hand from her hair. “Guess I’ll see you later,” I say, taking a step back.