My mind raced as I sped home. There were so many things running through my head, I couldn’t focus on just one. Running into Calvin threatened to send me into an unhealthy spiral. His remarks about my weight shouldn’t still have that effect on me, but it immediately took me back to that dark place, the one I had to claw my way out of a few years ago. The one where I’d make myself throw up if he commented on how much I ate at dinner or exercise until I almost passed out because I’d gained a pound.
I hated him. Even more so, I hated myself for letting him treat me that way for so long and for still letting him affect me.
And then there was Easton. Not only had he heard what Calvin said, he’d come to my rescue. He played the part of the doting husband so well, I almost believed him. I could’ve gotten lost in that kiss if he hadn’t pulled away. I replayed the last few times he'd kissed me as we walked to the parking lot, and I realized something that hurt more than Calvin’s calloused words. We’d had an audience. He only kissed me when there was someone present for whom we needed to put on a show. Henever kissed me because he wanted to, and I felt like a damn fool for hoping he meant any of them.
Against my will, a rogue tear slid from my lashes and fell down my cheek. I angrily wiped it away. I would not cry over Easton Walker. I certainly wouldn’t cry over Calvin or let his words derail all the progress I’d made since ridding him from my life. Neither of them deserved my tears.
I was still awake when Easton came home. Placing my book on the nightstand, I glanced at the clock on my phone, surprised to see the time. He hadn’t stayed out long at all. I expected to be fast asleep when he got in since he was out with the guys, but here he was, creeping up the steps at ten thirty. Wait … creeping up the steps? Shit! Why was he coming up here? His bedroom was on the first floor. He had no reason to be upstairs, unless…
Footsteps halted outside my door, and I sank further down the bed, pulling my covers up to my chin as though it were an intruder on the other side of the door instead of my husband. I waited for a knock or for him to simply turn the knob and barge in, but neither of those things happened. A moment later, I could’ve sworn I heard a sigh, and then he retreated. The steps creaked as he descended, leaving me wondering what he'd planned to do when he got to my room and what had changed his mind.
Eastonand I didn’t speak of what happened nor did I bring up his late-night visit to my door. We fell into a comfortable routine. For the first few weeks we lived together, we danced around each other, uncertain how to share the space, but now we’d found our groove. We were professional at work, but stillput on an act for our colleagues. From the outside, it looked like we were madly in love.
At home—on the rare occasion we were both there at the same time—we were cordial. On the nights he had a home game, I cheered him on from the stands. If he was on the road, he called or texted after the game to let me know who won. I couldn’t bring myself to admit that I already knew since I watched every game. Even my mom had gotten into hockey. We usually watched the away games together since I liked to hang out at her house when Easton was gone.
On the rare evening he was home, he helped me cook dinner. He did anything I instructed him to and never once complained, even if I made him chop onions. I supposed he was getting those private lessons he’d asked for after all.
One morning before dawn, I was in the kitchen humming a nineties country tune as I brewed a fresh pot of coffee. I danced around the kitchen, shimmying my hips as I straightened up from the night before. The heavenly aroma wafted around me as I slipped my robe off and draped it over one of the chairs at the island. Easton wouldn’t be up for a while, so I didn’t mind prancing around in my satin sleep set that consisted of booty shorts and a crop top that revealed a sliver of my stomach. I wouldn’t dream of wearing it around the house where anyone could see, but it was comfortable to sleep in, and I was too lazy to change before coming downstairs.
I was bending over to empty the dishwasher when the coffee pot beeped, signaling it was done. Straightening, I went to the cabinet and stretched up on my tiptoes to reach for a mug. They were on the top shelf, and I was too short to easily retrieve one. Why they were all the way up there was beyond me. I needed to move them down so I could reach them easier. I hoped Easton wouldn’t mind if I rearranged things.
“I hope there’s enough for me,” a deep voice rumbled from the doorway. I whipped around and found Easton watching me, his arms crossed casually over his chest as he leaned against the frame. A crooked grin tipped up one side of his mouth as he pushed off the wall and strode toward me. I stood frozen to the spot as he invaded my space and reached above my head, pulling two mugs from the cabinet.
“Uh, of course,” I sputtered as his scent invaded my nose. He always smelled so damn good.
His gaze raked down my body, and his tongue darted out to lick his lips. My nipples tightened at the heated look in his eyes. To my horror, I suddenly remembered what I was wearing.
“Oh my God,” I breathed, side stepping him and rushing to the chair where my robe was. “I-I didn’t realize you were up, or I would’ve gotten dressed,” I explained as I hastily tightened the sash at my waist. “I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize. This is your home too,” he declared as he took a step toward me. “You should wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
He prowled toward me like a lion stalking its prey, and I sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes never left mine as he closed the distance between us. They burned with something akin to desire. But that couldn’t be right. He didn’t desire me. He’d made that perfectly clear.
To my surprise, he reached out and gripped the lapel of my robe and rubbed the soft material between his fingers. Dropping his hand, he grabbed the tie at my waist and began to tug. My belly clenched with anticipation as he watched it slowly unravel.
“You don’t have to hide from me, Hellcat.” His voice was soft and deep and made my insides coil with need. The knot at my waist released, and I gasped as the robe fell open and one side slipped down my arm, baring my shoulder. What the hell was happening? Did Easton want me? He watched me like he wantedto devour me whole. And there was no one around to put on a show for. It was just the two of us, and he was about to kiss me.
A loud knock at the door startled us, and I jumped back as though we’d just been caught doing something wrong.
“What the fuck?” Easton groaned beneath his breath.
Three more raps in quick succession had him stepping back. He shot me an apologetic look as I retied the belt of my robe.
“Coming,” he called, his voice coming out as a growl. He strode swiftly to the door and yanked it open. When I saw who was on the other side, I was glad I had my robe to cover my scantily clad body.
“We made it!” Stunned, I stared at my sister’s wide grin and windswept hair. She beamed up at me as though I had any clue what was going on.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” Confusion knitted her brow, and she frowned.
“What do you mean? It’s the twenty-sixth,” she replied, explaining absolutely nothing. Most of my blood must’ve still been in my cock because that date meant nothing to me. I couldn’t let her know that, though.
“Right. I mean, I didn’t think you got in until this evening.”Nice save, numbnuts.