“I told you our flight landed at six thirty.”
“I guess I thought you meant p.m.” I shrugged, playing it off like I hadn’t completely forgotten she and my nephew were flying in today. A memory of our last conversation began rising to the surface, and I wanted to kick myself for not remembering their visit.
“Hey, pipsqueak,” I said, shifting my gaze to my nephew who stood just in front of his mom. He’d gotten a haircut since the last time I’d seen him, but still I had to fight the urge to rufflehis hair. It was so soft and fluffy, but touching it would send him into a tailspin so I refrained.
“Hey, Uncle E,” he replied, stretching out his fist for me to bump.
“We brought someone special with us,” Roni said, and I lifted my gaze to meet her watery eyes. She stepped aside, revealing the last person I expected to see.
“Gramps.” His name left my lips on a choked whisper. In all the time I’d lived in Boston, my grandfather had never been to see me. He rarely left the farm. I wasn’t sure if he’d ever been out of the state of Illinois. For him to be on my front porch was a miracle in itself.
“Hello, son,” he said and stepped forward, wrapping me in a hug. He patted my back as I held in the emotion threatening to leak from my eyes. This was the man who’d taught me everything I knew, the man who'd taken me in without question when my parents died. He was the one who’d given me a dose of tough love when I was an angry teenager set on a path of destruction. I wouldn’t be the man I was today without him.
“It’s good to see you, old man.” He released me and stepped back, his fists lifting into a boxer’s pose.
“Who you callin’ old?” he grunted as he playfully took a couple of jabs at me, pulling his punches before they could land. I did the same to him, just like we always did before he pulled me in for another back-slapping hug.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” I meant it too. It felt like my family was complete with him here. The thought of family reminded me that I had someone to introduce him to.
“Gramps, there’s someone I want you to meet.” I ushered them inside, and they dropped their bags at the door.
“Ahh,” he began, a knowing grin lifting his salt and pepper mustache. “I heard you ran off and got married in Vegas. Didn’t even tell me you were going to do it,” he tsked.
“I didn’t run off. We were already there. We just seized the opportunity.”
“Well, as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
“I am,” I replied with a genuine smile. I didn’t realize it until that moment, but Iwashappy with Shayla. At least as happy as I could be without knowing her intimately.
I turned and found Shayla standing on the cusp of the foyer, her hands clasped in front of her. She looked nervous as she took a tentative step forward. I wanted to assure her that everything would be fine, that my grandpa would love her, just like I was starting to.
The reality of that thought slammed into me, and I nearly stumbled. I was falling for my wife. I wasn’t sure when it had happened, but she wormed her way into my heart. Now that she was here with my family, I wanted to make her a permanent part of it. I wanted to make hermine, in every sense of the word.
“Gramps,” I croaked out, then cleared my throat. It was thick with emotion. “This is my wife, Shayla.”
Shayla’s shoulders relaxed, and she smiled warmly. My grandfather gripped her hands in his and gave them a gentle squeeze.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Shayla said and my chest warmed. The sensation spread throughout my limbs, and I smiled like a fool.
“Welcome to the family,” he said, and his face filled with joy. “I’m so glad to see someone finally tamed this wild child.” He nodded toward me, and she giggled.
“It wasn’t easy,” she replied, and he chuckled. Her gaze shifted to me, and I swallowed nervously, waiting to hear what she’d say next. “But I finally won him over.” She had no idea how true those words were.
“Do you guys want some coffee? I’m sure you must be tired from such an early flight.”
“I’d love some,” Roni announced.
“Me too,” Gramps replied.
“Can I have hot chocolate?” I looked to Roni for permission. I never gave Max something sweet without her stamp of approval. She nodded, and I went to the pantry to grab a hot cocoa packet. I located the box on the shelf then turned around and nearly ran into Shayla. She must’ve followed me in here, but I didn’t hear her.Sneaky little minx.Was it too much to hope she’d followed me in here for a littlerendezvous? I opened my mouth to say something lascivious, but snapped it shut when I noticed the panic in her eyes.
“Did you know they were coming?” she hissed.
“I did, but totally forgot they were flying in today. I’m sorry,” I said, confused by her irritation. My family was always welcome here. I thought she knew that. It was something we'd discussed before we'd gotten married.
“What’s your game plan here?”
“Game plan?” I asked, and she rolled her eyes. I kinda loved when she got all sassy like that. It made me want to spread her out and fuck the attitude right out of her.