I reach across the table, taking his hands in mine. “I’m sorry. I know she loves you.”

“I pushed her away,” he says abruptly. “This time it wasmepushing her away. This time,Ifinally had the power and it felt good for a minute… but now I hate myself.”

“What did you do?”

He shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. I doubt she’ll forgive me now.”

“Whatever wrong you’ve committed, you need to make amends. Whether it leads to you winning her back or not, you need to make it right.” He nods his agreement and drops his head again, pulling his hands from my grasp.

A few days later,Chloe and I load up in my car and make the five-hour drive to Jacob’s house. He asked me to have dinner with his parents since they have presents for Chloe and me. When I told him I’d think about it, he accepted my answer without argument. I have plenty of time to think about it on my long drive, and I ultimately decide to meet with them. It’s just dinner, and I know if I’m uncomfortable or if Evelyn upsets me, Jacob will take me home. Arthur and Logan will be there, too, and I’d like to see them. Besides, it’s not fair to keep Chloe from her grandfather. He’ll want to see her and watch her open her gifts. I don’t want to deprive him of that.

When I arrive at Jacob's house, he meets me outside, giving me a quick kiss before grabbing my bags and bringing them inside while I unbuckle Chloe. He rushes back outside and reaches for her. She goes to him willingly and I watch as they stroll up the sidewalk, looking like two peas in a pod. Gratitude warms my heart and fills my soul at the sight of them and I thank my lucky stars he came back into our lives.

Only by divine intervention could he have made the decision to stop at Rosie’s that day, at the very moment Chloe and I were there. Had it just been me, I don't know that he would have tried so hard to get me to talk to him. After I slapped him, he probably would’ve jumped back in his car, drove home, and never looked back. But he’d seen her. Those blue eyes just like his, a child brought into this world nine months after he left. He did the math in his head. I knew it the moment he looked in my eyes and asked if she was his.

I follow them inside, listening as Chloe babbles on about her doll. She holds it up as though introducing them and Jacob plays along, shaking the doll’s hand.

“Are you guys hungry? It’s a little early to start dinner, but I sliced up some fruit and have cheese and crackers to nibble on.” He reaches into the fridge and pulls out a tray filled with the ingredients he listed.

“That’s fine for now. But about dinner,” I begin. His gaze snaps to me. “You won’t need to fix anything if we’re going to your parents’ house.” He stares in frozen disbelief for a moment before his features soften and he rounds the kitchen island, pulling me in for a hug.

“Thank you. This means a lot to me.” I wrap my arms around his middle and sink into his embrace.

A swarm of butterflies take flight in my belly as we pull up to the Daniels mansion a couple hours later. I haven’t been back here since the night I overheard Evelyn’s confession. My hands begin to shake much like they did that night as I sped away under the cover of darkness following Evelyn’s revelation. I wipe sweaty palms down my dark jeans, attempting to stem the perspiration gathering on them.

“Are you okay?” Jacob asks, grabbing my hand. I wince, worrying that he’ll notice how badly my palms are sweating.

“Yeah, just nervous. I’ve seen your mother twice since… everything went down, but not on her turf.”

He turns to me and grips my face in his hands. “If you want to turn around and leave right now, we will. If we go in there and you don’t feel welcomed or become uncomfortable, say the word and we’ll peace out. You’re in control here, not her. And I’ll be by your side the whole time.”


Jacob leads us inside and I tentatively step through the door. He calls out for his dad and a moment later, Arthur appears.

“Abby, Chloe, I’m so glad you made it!” He goes immediately to us, practically ignoring Jacob. I give him a one-armed hug and he wraps both Chloe and me in his strong embrace.

“Hey, Arthur, thanks for having us.”

“Of course. You are always welcome here, sweetheart,” he drawls, the southern hospitality oozing from him as he welcomes us in. “Come in. Everyone is in the living room.” He turns to lead us to the rest of the family, and I shoot Jacob an uncertain look.

He turns halfway toward the door and points his thumb over his shoulder, brows raised in question. With a teasing gleam in his eye, he mouths “You wanna go?” The tension melts from my body as I suppress a giggle. We enter the living room where Logan and Evelyn are waiting for us to arrive. Jacob’s mother is perched on the chair closest to the Christmas tree. Presents wrapped in festive princess-themed wrapping paper and pink and gold gift bags are nestled beneath the branches.

She stands when we enter and takes a step toward us, but stops herself from coming closer. Logan comes over and offers me a side hug, then holds his fist out for Chloe to bump. She does so clumsily, making Logan laugh.

“Hello, Abby,” Evelyn says, folding her hands together.

“Evelyn.” I acknowledge her greeting but say no more, my throat suddenly feeling thick.

“Please, have a seat.” She motions to the place she just vacated, and I sit with Chloe in my lap.

“What dat?” Chloe asks, pointing to the presents.

“Those are your Christmas presents,” Evelyn replies, picking one up. “Would you like to open it?”

She hands the box to Chloe and she takes it, excitedly tugging at the bow. I help her remove the paper and pull the lid off the box, revealing a plush stuffed lamb. She reaches out a hand tentatively and rubs the soft material. Next, she opens a package containing a doll with interchangeable clothes and accessories, then a pink tent shaped like a castle turret. Jacob pushes the largest of the boxes toward us and helps Chloe and me open it.

Surprised, I suck in a sharp breath as Chloe bounces in excitement. The powder blue ride-on toy looks like a miniature four-wheeler. It’s by far the coolest toy she’s gotten thus far.