“Wow, this is awesome! You’re gonna have so much fun on this.”

“You can thank Uncle Logan for that,” Logan announces with a smug grin.

I chuckle. “Thank you.”

“Tank oo,” Chloe chirps, mimicking me.

Finally, she repeats something I actuallywanther to say.

Once we’re finished fussing over Logan’s gift, Evelyn hands me one last box. “This is from me,” she adds quietly, stepping away and folding her hands in front of her once more.

The box is heavy, its contents feeling quite dense. Curious, I impatiently wait as Chloe pulls every last scrap of wrapping paper from the plain white gift box that gives nothing away regarding its contents. I pull the top off and peer inside. There are several books, mostly nursery rhymes and fairy tales, hidden beneath a layer of tissue paper. I pull the first one out, running my hands over the cover. It looks so familiar…

Then I realize these are the books we read in Peyton’s room that day Evelyn stormed in and yelled at us to get out. My gaze snaps to her and her eyes shine with unshed tears.

“She should have those. You were right,” she admits, turning to Jacob. “Peyton would’ve wanted Chloe to enjoy her books. She wouldn’t want me to selfishly hold onto them like I have for so many years.” A single tear slips down her cheek. “They’re still in really good shape. There’s no reason for them to sit unused in an empty room.” Her voice catches at the end and my heart softens toward her a smidge.

“Mom,” Jacob’s voice comes out strained as he crosses the room and pulls her into his arms. For the first time, it feels like we may be able to heal the divide created by lies and betrayal and put a shattered family back together. It’s a shaky olive branch, but I’m willing to put aside all my hurt and anger to accept it.

“Thank you, Evelyn. This means a lot to us.” For the first time, I feel as though Evelyn’s actions are sincere and she feels truly remorseful. This isn’t an artful ploy to get back into Jacob’s good graces. She gazes lovingly at my daughter – her granddaughter – with tear-stained cheeks and I can see how much Chloe means to her.

Jacob’s eyes are misty, and he sniffles. His mother’s gesture must mean so much more to him than it does to me. The sister he adored, the one he lost far too young, will always have a special place in his heart. She lives on in Chloe, with her middle name and bright blue eyes. She’ll cherish the books her aunt once loved as a child.

The heavy weight that settled on my shoulders the moment we entered their front gate lightens. We sit around their table talking and laughing like a family should. Logan asks if we have plans for New Year’s Eve, which is tomorrow.

“Nothing set in stone, but I wanted to check out the fireworks down by the river. There’s a huge celebration with live music and several food vendors,” Jacob replies, turning to me before continuing. “We can check it out if you’d like, or have a quiet night at home. If you want to go, Nell has already agreed to keep Chloe so we don’t have her out too late.”

“You guys should go. That party is always lit,” Logan claims.

“We’ll be down there, too. We’re doing a dinner cruise with some friends,” Arthur chimes in.

I smile. “Sounds like quite a celebration.”

“It’s a lot of fun. I’ve been there several times,” Jacob replies.

After dessert, Jacob and I decide to head home. Logan helps Jacob load the presents into the SUV before waving goodbye from the stairs. He turns and takes them two at a time, disappearing into his room. His parents walk us to the door, and Art gives me a parting hug after handing Chloe over to Jacob. She’s been stuck to him like glue the whole night.

Jacob’s father has a natural joviality that draws people to him, even my little girl. It’s what makes him a desirable candidate for office and may help him win the election. I push aside the trepidation that threatens to overtake me at the thought of how his campaign will affect all of us. He’s already been thrust into the public spotlight, and that shine will inevitably reach anyone close to him. I just hope Chloe and I can remain shielded from the brunt of it.

Evelyn steps up to Jacob, and he reaches an arm around her shoulder and pulls her into his side. Chloe, who’s perched on his hip, sees their embrace and wants to join in. She leans forward and wraps her arms around Evelyn’s neck, hugging her close. Evelyn’s eyes pinch closed as she hugs my daughter back. When they part, Jacob turns and opens the door, stepping through it first. Before I walk across the threshold, I feel a hand rest gently on my arm. I glance back to find Jacob’s mom standing there, a wide-eyed expression on her face.

“Thank you for coming tonight.” She opens her mouth to say more but changes her mind, clamping it shut. I nod, unable to form the adequate words to respond, and follow Jacob into the cool evening air.

He makes love to me slowly that night. We savor each other, our hot skin melding into one. He holds tightly to me, his arms wrapped around my waist as I straddle his hips. We kiss as I rock against him, his fingers tangling in my hair. My release builds, my lower belly coiling tightly as the pressure increases. I’m on the edge and ready to fall when his mouth clamps around my nipple and I plummet, taking him with me.

The next evening,I dress in a pair of skinny jeans and a slouchy silver top that twinkles under the bright vanity lights in Jacob’s bathroom. I paint my lids in dark greys and shimmering silvers, smudging dark liner around my lash line. Leaving my hair down in soft curls, I apply a light gloss to my lips. I plan on kissing my man rather passionately when the clock strikes midnight tonight and don’t want to smear too bold a color all over his mouth. Although itistempting. No one will be able to deny my claim on him with my lipstick marking his mouth, declaring he’s mine.

I slip into my black boots and peacoat. It’s not terribly cold out, but down by the river with the breeze coming off the water, it will feel much colder. I check to make sure my gloves are tucked in my pocket and grab a scarf just in case. Chloe is putting a large wooden puzzle together while Eleanor looks on when I come downstairs.

“Hey, gorgeous.” Jacob pulls me into him, sliding one arm behind my back. “You look incredible.” His low voice rumbles in my chest, working its way lower until my thighs clench together.

“So do you,” I breathe. His shirtsleeves are rolled up to his elbows, exposing muscular forearms covered with a light dusting of dark blonde hair. Veins bulge ever so slightly, a sign of his time spent in the gym. My fingers curl into the front of his shirt, pressing on the hard ridges of his abdomen. My breath catches when I glance up. His heated gaze bores into me as though he can read my mind.

He knows how much he turns me on and how helplessly attracted I am to him. But it’s not just his physical form that draws me to him and makes my heart flutter in my chest. It’s every aspect of who he is. It’s his kindness, the thoughtful gestures, and the selfless acts he displays. It’s the way he makes me feel like the only woman in the room when we’re surrounded by a bevy of refined, classical beauty. He values my personality and intellect, not just my outward appearance. That makes him even more beautiful in my eyes.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, dipping his head and running his nose along my neck and up the side of my face, his minty, hot breath fanning over my mouth.

“How much I love you. How you’re exactly what I need in my life right now.”