“Are you gonna tell me?”

She grins. “Not a chance. I wouldn't want to ruin your surprise.”

I return to the box and pull out the luggage. It’s the nicest set I’ve ever owned, much better than the rag tag collection of hand-me-downs I’m using now. He must have seen the horrible shape they were in the last time I visited and decided to get me a new set.

“I really love this,” I proclaim, appreciation shining in my eyes. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” He grabs my hands and pulls me up to him, wrapping his arms around my middle. “I can’t wait for you to see what I have in store for you and Chloe.”

“Me neither.” A fluttering of nerves and excitement settles in my belly. A trip with Jacob and our daughter is exactly what I need right now. Between Ethan’s accident and recovery, the revelation of his relationship with Tiff, and my mother’s return, it will be nice to get away from it all for a little bit.

The next morning, I catch Mom before she heads off to bed and tell her about Jacob’s plans and how we’re doing our family Christmas today. An odd expression crosses her features but all she says is, “Okay.” We both grab a cup of coffee and sip it silently as the brightening sun peeks in through the windows.

Since she returned alone, I’ve wanted to ask about her boyfriend Mickey, but stop myself every time. I have no idea if he’s even still in the picture or how long they stayed together after she took off with him. If he’s in her past, I want him to stay there. I don’t want to dredge him up and cause her more pain. If things ended badly, those memories could cause her to spiral like she did after my father’s death.

Anticipation gets the better of me and I shake Jacob awake. “It’s morning. Time to get up,” I croon.

He cracks one eye open and rewards me with a bright white smile. “Let’s go get our girl and let her open presents.”

I let him wake Chloe. He talks to her in soothing, gentle tones, gradually coaxing her into consciousness. She rubs her bleary eyes and stretches. When she finally blinks them completely open, they go round as saucers. “Daddy!” she cries excitedly and jumps into his arms. After she uses the potty, we bring her into the living room where my mom and grandma are already sitting, waiting for her.

“Merry Christmas!” they cheer and Chloe giggles.

“Time to open your presents!” Jacob announces, pushing a pile of gifts toward her.

She tackles them excitedly, throwing wrapping paper into the air until it looks as though a red and green bomb exploded in our living room.

“Your turn,” Jacob whispers against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He guides me to the couch and places several boxes next to me. The first box is a new pair of running shoes I desperately need. The ones I have aren’t getting nearly as much use these days since I can’t run outside in the snow and can only seem to force myself to head to the gym twice a week to suffer through the treadmill.

The next box contains several pairs of compression leggings, the same ones I’ve been eyeing for months, but haven’t been willing to shell out the money for. Sports bras and tops for working out fill the next two, and I start to suspect he had an inside source telling him exactly what to get me. Glancing up at my grandmother, her expression confirms it. I’ve basically got a whole new wardrobe for exercise and I couldn’t be happier. Some girls might want frilly gifts like designer handbags and one hundred-dollar pairs of jeans, but not me. This is perfect.

I open a few more little trinkets along with a brand-new coat and matching gloves as Jacob finally pulls the last present out from beneath the tree. I instantly recognize the unmistakable, iconic shade of robin’s egg blue. A delicate white ribbon holds the square box closed. My breath catches in my throat and a swirl of emotions tighten my belly.

What’s in the box?

It’s larger than a typical ring box. The thought fills me with equal amounts of relief and disappointment. I’m not ready for him to propose, but at the same time, I’d be over the moon to know he wanted to. I shake those thoughts away and focus on the box as he places it in my open palm. I tug at the ribbon, letting it fall away before lifting the lid. Inside rests a simple, sterling silver cuff bracelet with a row of small diamonds inset along the center. I pick it up and inspect it, noting the engraving on the inside. Bringing it to eye level, I examine it more closely.

“The day our story began,” I read out loud, turning the cuff to see the rest. There’s a date inscribed next to it. I know instantly what the day is. It’s the day we met. The day that started it all. Tears prick my eyes and I cover my mouth as a tiny sob breaks loose. Jacob crouches in front of me and reaches for my hands.

“Abby?” he says quietly. I glance up at him to find concern furrowing his brow. His face relaxes when he sees I’m crying happy tears.

“Thank you,” I choke out, throwing my arms around his neck. He pulls me to my feet and holds me. I cling to him, never wanting to let go. This man gets me. He understands what makes me tick and what’s most important to me. Even though the years between the date carved into this bracelet and the moment we finally returned to each other were rough and full of heartache, it was all worth it to get to this moment.

“I love you,” he whispers against my mouth, his forehead pressed to mine.

“I love you, too.”

We switch places and I bring him his gifts from us. There aren’t as many for him and they certainly aren't as extravagant, but I know he won’t care. He’s never cared about things like that. I’m the one who’s always had the problem with the gap in our income and lifestyle, never feeling up to his level, but he’s showing me that none of it matters. It doesn’t change the way he feels about me. He’s always shown me that. I just had a hard time believing and accepting it.

Once all the paper and bows are cleared away and we’ve had breakfast, Jacob leads me to my room and instructs me to put together a few days’ worth of clothes. I have no idea where we’re going, so I ask if I need to dress for warm or cold weather.

“Cold,” he replies simply and leaves, returning a moment later with my new luggage.

“When do we leave?”

He checks the time before responding. “About an hour.”

“An hour?” I screech. “I still need a shower and to pack for Chloe and me!”