“Sorry about that,” Abby says once she hears the door shut.
“Don’t worry about it. She’s doing what any parent would do in her situation.”
“But she’s not like other parents,” Abby huffs. “She’s shown zero interest in my life for many, many years. She probably doesn’t even know who my first boyfriend was.”
“Who was he?” I ask with playful jealousy. “I’ll fight him.” I pull her into my arms and drop a sweet kiss onto her lips. During my interview with Abby’s mom, Chloe found herself a snack and Ama opened it for her, retrieving a drink from the fridge. Now she’s happily nibbling on a fruit-filled snack bar. I sink down in the chair next to her and she holds her sippy cup out to me, offering a drink. I take it from her and pretend to take a big gulp from it. She giggles and scrunches up her nose.
I have a big surprise in store for them later. All their presents are in my Range Rover, including plane tickets for the three of us.
Chapter Seventeen
Mom managesto eat dinner with us before heading into work, though the meal is awkward as silence descends around the table. I study her a moment, noticing that her skin isn’t quite so sallow, and her cheeks aren’t as hollow as when she showed up at our door nearly a month ago. She’s gained some much-needed weight and her skin appears more vibrant. I can only surmise that even though she came to us clean, she hasn’t been off the drugs long.
When she finally leaves, I let out an audible sigh, the tension melting from my body. I shouldn’t feel that way about her. She’s shown nothing but determination and willingness to change and make up for past wrongs, but it’s emotionally draining to be around her. It still feels as though we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop and it fills me with unease.
“I have a surprise for you,” Jacob announces as we cuddle on the couch.
“Really?” I raise a brow, intrigued.
“Yes, really,” he answers with an amused grin. “I just need to get it from my car.”
I perk up and scoot forward on my seat, anticipation swelling in my chest. “Stay here,” he instructs, and I nod my obedience. He returns a few minutes later, depositing colorful boxes and bags in front of our Christmas tree, adding to the mound of presents already there. He leaves again, returning with a second armful of presents.
“Oh my goodness, Jacob! This is too much.”
“Hold that thought. I’ve got one last thing to grab. It’s a big one,” he declares with a sly smile.
He returns carrying a wrapped box so big, I don’t know how he can see over it. Setting it gently on the floor in front of me, he straightens and pushes up his shirt sleeves, his face reddening from exertion.
“For this to work, I’m going to need you to open this present now.”
“What?” I ask, trying to tamp down my excitement.
“This is part of your surprise. It’ll make sense soon. You just have to trust the process.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” I tear open the wrapping paper. At the sound of the first rip, Chloe joins in, too intrigued to stand idly by and watch. I gasp as I open the box and peer inside at its contents. A suitcase in the most beautiful shade of lavender, trimmed in eggplant rests within the oversized box. Jacob gleefully instructs me to unzip the large piece of luggage. Nestled inside is a carry-on case and a matching bag with a note pinned to it. I remove it hastily and unfold the paper.
I thought it only fitting to do Christmas a little early since we won’t be home on Christmas morning. Tomorrow, when Chloe wakes up, she will find all her presents under the tree. We will all get to enjoy watching her open them. This way, your mother and grandmother will still be a part of our first Christmas together as a family. Afterwards, we’ll head to the airport and board a plane to take us somewhere where the magic of Christmas is unmistakable. As for where that might be… well, that’s the best part of the surprise.
Tears fillmy eyes and I cover my mouth with a shaky hand. When I look up at Jacob, his expression is hopeful but nervous. He’s waiting on my response as though he’s afraid I might refuse to go. Doesn’t he know I would go anywhere with him? I leap to my feet and throw my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down to mine. I give him a quick but passionate kiss before tearing my lips away.
My grandmother, perched in her chair watches on with a look of satisfaction, a conspiratorial grin tipping her lips upward.
I squint my eyes at her. “Did you know about this?”
“Sure did,” she replies, returning her focus to her crossword puzzle book.
“Do you know where we're goin’?”
“Sure do.”