“Just a water, please,” I answered sheepishly, my voice low and remorseful.
Three tumblers of double shot Jack and Cokes later, Dalton was feeling much better. I tried to convince him to eat something to soak up all the alcohol, but he refused. He was getting wasted and there was nothing I could do about it. The attendant brought another drink and he tossed it back quickly. The more relaxed he became, the friendlier he was towards her. Once she realized he and I weren’t really a couple, she started flirting with him hardcore. If this had been a movie, Dierks Bentley’s “Drunk on a Plane” would’ve been the accompanying soundtrack. He was getting smashed, and by the seductive look Naomi was giving him, he was dangerously close to joining the Mile-High Club.
I shrank back into my seat and stared out the window, unwilling to witness their exchanges any longer. Resting my head against the cool glass, I closed my eyes, willing this flight to be over as soon as possible.
I awoke sometime later to the sound of Dalton lightly snoring next to me. We both fell asleep at some point, and boy, was that a mercy. I yawned and stretched my muscles, wondering how long I’d been asleep. I glanced over at Dalton’s watch, surprised to see I’d slept most of the flight. We would be landing within the hour. Dalton stirred next to me but didn’t wake. I decided to let him sleep this one off, and hoped he woke up sober and in a better mood.
I was jostled awake when the plane’s tires hit the runway, the aircraft bouncing as it lost momentum and rolled to a stop. Taylor was curled into herself, staring out the window. I watched her for a moment, not wanting to disturb her. She looked so tiny and withdrawn. Regret burned like bile in my throat. I was nasty to her and she didn’t deserve it. I’d bristled at her judgement and lashed out. She was probably right. I shouldn’t have been drinking that early in the morning, and now I had a headache because of it.
“Taylor,” I began, and she swung her gaze to me. She unfurled her limbs and sat up in her seat. “Look, I-”
The overhead speakers crackled to life and our captain’s voice drowned out my apology as he announced we’d reached our destination. She stood and collected her things before I could finish, and I suspected she knew what I wanted to say. I rose from my seat and took a few stumbling steps, following behind her. I was apparently still a little tipsy. Not a surprise, considering how much I drank.
I’d slammed back a couple more after Taylor fell asleep, and when my bladder could no longer wait to be relieved, I snuck off to the tiny bathroom. Naomi was waiting for me when I slid open the door. She pushed her way inside and pressed her body against me. Her lips met mine and her hands tangled in my hair. I let myself get lost in her, opening my mouth and sliding my tongue over her lower lips, dipping it inside as she moaned. After several minutes of making out, my body naturally reacting to her attentions, she offered to blow me, right then and there. She didn’t know how good that sounded. I desperately needed the release. So why did I hesitate? Gianna was no longer in the picture. I was a single man, free to do whatever I wanted with whomever I wanted. But something held me back.
Taylor’s face flashed into my memory. I worried that she would somehow know what I’d done if I chose to let this stranger pleasure me, and for some reason, that gave me pause. I gently turned Naomi’s offer down and returned to my seat, quickly passing out from a cocktail of whiskey and exhaustion.
We stepped out into the bright Caribbean sun and I brought my hand to my face, shielding my eyes.Ugh, Taylor was right. I shouldn’t have drunk so damn much.
We took the shuttle to our resort, sitting quietly next to each other on the bench seat. When the doors finally opened, she stepped out behind me and gasped. The private villa was even more breathtaking in person.
“Thisis where we’re staying for the next week?” I nodded. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed in wonder.
I unlocked the door and pushed it open, stepping into the large, open space. We dropped our luggage just inside the door and began exploring. I checked out the living room with its massive flat screen, wondering who the hell would want to watch TV in a place like this, while Taylor went to the kitchenette. I gravitated to one of only two closed doors and twisted the knob, seeing that it led to the bedroom.
My face fell and I let out a low curse when I saw the bed. It was covered in rose petals with towels shaped into a heart resting in the center. I never thought to notify them that this was no longer going to be my honeymoon, and all these extra touches were unnecessary. I stood there, frozen as Taylor chattered away in the hall. I knew the moment she entered the room, her sharp intake of breath echoing in the large space.
“Dalton,” she said, her voice laced with compassion as she gently laid a hand on my upper arm.
Her touch sent a little zing up my arm and through my body. The pain of Gianna’s betrayal was slowly fading, but my desire for Taylor was growing. What would she do if I kissed her right now, threw her onto the bed that I’d intended to share with someone else, and explored her luscious body with my mouth? I looked into her big doe eyes with their burst of green just around the irises that faded into a muted hazel. She had no idea what she was doing to me, and I needed to keep it that way.
I stepped out of her reach and walked to the sliding doors across from the bed. They opened onto a shaded patio that housed an outdoor tub and looked out over a stretch of private beach just beyond. White sand disappeared into turquoise water that sparkled like diamonds under the sunlight. This place was paradise.
“I’ll take the couch in the living room,” I informed her, keeping my gaze locked on the ocean. I was afraid if I looked at her, she’d see just how badly I wanted her. The two of us hooking up was a terrible idea for multiple reasons. For one, I wanted my genitalia to remain intact and I valued my life. I didn’t want to face Aiden’s wrath if he found out I’d defiled his sister. Two, I didn’t want to use her to get over Gianna. She deserved better than to be somebody’s rebound. I wasn’t in the best state of mind right now and couldn’t offer any emotional stability. It would be best if I just kept my distance.
“Don’t be silly,” she scolded. “This isyourvacation.” I appreciated that she refrained from using the proper term to explain what this was meant to be. “And I just crashed it. You take the bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No way,” I countered, finally turning to face her. “I’m not letting you sleep on the couch. My mama raised me better than that.”
She straightened her spine, digging her heels in. It took all my strength not to let my eyes settle on her perky breasts and the lacy bralette peeking out from under her flowy tank and stay focused on her face. I could tell she was gearing up to be really fucking stubborn and it was turning me on.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.Youpaid for all of this.Youdeserve the bed. Besides, you’re too tall for the couch.”
Shit, she had a point. Still, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make her sleep on the couch while I luxuriated in the plush, California king-sized bed with its one thousand thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. My mother would kill me.
“None of that matters. I would never make a girl sleep on the couch when there’s a perfectly good bed available.”
“Alright,” she began with a challenging tone, her eyes narrowed on me, “how about this?” Now I was in for it. “We’re both adults. We can share the bed.” My eyes widened in surprise and I had to clamp my mouth shut so it didn’t fall open. Was she really suggesting we sleep together? In the literal sense? “This bed is huge,” she continued, motioning toward it with her hand. “I’ll take one side, you take the other.”
I swallowed back my rebuttal. I couldn’t tell her that having her in my bed, platonic relationship or not, would be far too much temptation for me. I couldn’t tell her that things would most definitely go too far if she was within arm’s reach. Outside of those facts, I didn’t have a valid argument to make. Wewereboth adults. We should be mature enough to share this giant ass bed without making a big deal about it, but I didn’t know if I was strong enough for that.
“Okay,” I found myself saying. I was probably going to regret this. By the time the week was over, my balls would be the color of a smurf’s. “If you can live with that, so can I.”
“Deal,” she announced, reaching out her hand. I took it and tried to ignore how soft and warm her palm felt against mine. Our eyes locked and the satisfied look fell from her face. I held onto her a second longer than necessary and something vulnerable and carnal flashed in her eyes. I knew if I didn’t let go, things would quickly get out of hand, so I released her and stepped back, clearing my throat.
“Do you want to get unpacked?”