Little did he know that what he just did was guaranteed to create far more problems than it solved.
I was so nervous, I hardly slept a wink Saturday night. I tossed and turned, imagining all kinds of crazy scenarios that would never happen. Like Dalton finally noticing me and looking at me as more than just Aiden’s little sister. Him kissing me, touching me, pulling the strings of my barely-there bikini and watching it fall to the ground. Wishful thinking, huh?
I didn’t know how I’d make it through this trip with him. How could I pretend for six long days and nights that I wasn’t completely enamored with him? How was I going to sleep under the same roof with him and resist the urge to sneak a peek while he changed clothes and disrobed for his shower? This would be pure torture.
I had my bags packed and waiting by the front door the night before, so all I needed to do this morning was get myself ready. My stomach fluttered in anticipation as I waited for Dalton’s car to pull into the driveway. At five minutes past six, I saw headlights shine through the windows of the front room, casting their yellow glow along the back wall.
He’s here! I’m really doing this.I was going to spend the next week with my adolescent crush, taking the place beside him where his new bride was supposed to be.
My heart broke for him. Regardless of how I felt about Gianna, Dalton loved her. Personally, I found her to be snooty and aloof, always looking down her nose at me. Literally. She was five-foot-ten, a whole four inches taller than me. With rich, dark brown hair, startling blue eyes, and curves for days, she was a total bombshell. I could see why Dalton fell for her. I just couldn’t see why he stayed once the shine wore off. Don’t get me wrong – she was still drop-dead gorgeous, but her personality was seriously lacking. She’d been groomed to find a suitable match, one her elitist parents would approve of. She had a degree I was certain her father paid for, in more ways than one, that she never used. All she did was shop and post on Instagram. She was a socialite and nothing more.
Dalton, on the other hand, scraped and fought to get where he was. He grew up the only child to a single mom. His deadbeat dad hit the road shortly after he was born, claiming he wasn’t cut out for fatherhood. Dalton watched his mother work her fingers to the bone just to keep the lights on and put food on the table.
When Dalton was offered a scholarship to play ball out of state, he jumped at the opportunity. Even with his mother in a better position financially after obtaining her own degree, he was determined to do everything on his own. Now, he was the senior director of product development for a major Fortune five-hundred company. He’d climbed the corporate ladder at blazing speed. He was smart and knew how to think outside the box. If he kept going at that pace, he’d be a senior VP before he hit thirty.
My pulse quickened when the phone in my hand buzzed, the screen lighting up with a text from Dalton. We’d exchanged numbers that day in the kitchen to ensure ease of communication regarding this trip. I didn’t want to read too much into it, but fifteen-year-old me had damn near jumped for joy.
I grabbed my bags, locked the door behind me, and headed to his shiny black Lexus. Dalton had money. He was a young, successful businessman and could afford nice things. I couldn’t imagine how much it cost to book his honeymoon. Probably as much as my tuition for the year. No wonder he didn’t want to let it go to waste, but now I felt bad for not paying my own way. Not that I had much money of my own, but my parents were well-off. They could compensate him for my ticket and share of the hotel or condo where we’d be staying.
“Hey,” he greeted me breathlessly after hefting my luggage into the trunk. I may have gone a little overboard packing for a trip where I probably wouldn’t be wearing much more than a bikini with the occasional sundress, shorts, and tank thrown in. “You ready?” A shiver ran down my spine, thinking about how little we’d both be wearing all week. It was gonna be hot where we were going and therefore, a lot of skin would be exposed. Despite my nerves, I was looking forward to that part.
“Yeah, I can’t wait!”
A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Me neither.”
The fluttering returned to my belly and I pursed my lips together to avoid smiling like a fool.
The drive to the airport was quiet, the air between us slightly charged. A ball of nerves tightened in my stomach and I wrapped my arms around my waist in an attempt to ease the tension. The last time I’d ridden in a car with Dalton I threw myself at him, then tucked my tail between my legs when he rejected my advances. I hoped he’d forgotten all about that. Maybe he’d experienced enough cringe-worthy moments with other girls since then that my blunder wasn’t even a blip on his radar anymore.
He switched on the radio and I was instantly relieved for a break in the silence. The volume was low and I could barely make out the song. When I realized what was playing, my breath hitched and I sat up a little straighter in my seat. Aaliyah’s “Rock the Boat” drifted softly from the speakers, its sensual lyrics and accompaniment weaving its way between and around us like a tether that would bind our hearts together forever. This was no way to start our completely platonic tropical getaway. This song was too sexy, too suggestive for us. I fought the urge to reach down and switch the station since it wasn’t my car.
Dalton cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. My gaze swung to his face, taking him in. He looked just as uncomfortable as I felt. “How about something more current?” he proposed, reaching for the controls.
“Sure,” I agreed a little too quickly. He let out a soft chuckle and switched the station. I relaxed back into my seat, watching the sky begin to lighten as we neared the airport.
“Can I get you something to drink?” the flight attendant asked, flashing a blindingly white smile at Dalton. Our first-class seats were ridiculously comfortable. Takeoff was going to feel much smoother from this end of the plane.
“I’ll have a Jack and Coke,” he replied.
“Dalton?” His name was out of my mouth before I could stop it.How the hell could he drink this early in the day?He turned an inquisitive look at me, one eyebrow quirked. “It’s not even nine in the morning,” I informed him in a low voice, my tone more reproachful than I intended. His jaw ticked and his look turned into a glare. I’d just said the wrong thing.
“Well, seeing as it’s my honeymoon, I plan on drinking throughout most of the next week.”
“It’s your honeymoon? Congratulations!” the attendant gushed, looking back and forth between us. Uh oh. This wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Actually, Naomi,” Dalton began, studying her name tag for a second before settling his stony gaze back on her face, “congratulations aren’t really in order. You see, my fiancé called off our wedding six days ago, and I couldn’t get a refund for this trip.” Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak, but he kept going. “I’m heading to what wassupposedto be my honeymoon with my best friend’s little sister, because she’s the only person in my life not doing anything else this week.”
His comment stung. It wasn’t like I didn’t know that was the only reason I was there, but until that moment, I still had hope that he would actually enjoy my company. Now the truth was perfectly clear. He was only tolerating me because he didn’t want to take this trip alone.
“I am so sorry,” she began, but he held up a hand.
“I’ll take that Jack and Coke now,” he demanded. “Do you want anything?” His question was directed at me, but his eyes weren’t. He refused to look in my direction. He was brooding, his posture rigid and jaw tense.
I wanted to reach out and comfort him, maybe apologize for overstepping, but I knew better. The flight attendant’s congratulations opened a wound that had finally started to heal, and even though his words hurt, I tried not to hold it against him. He was supposed to bemarriedright now. Gianna, his beautiful bride, should’ve been in the seat I was occupying. Instead, he was stuck with me. I vowed in that moment to give him his space. I’d make myself scarce as soon as we landed and let him lick his wounds in private. He didn’t need me there watching him, quietly observing as he put the pieces of his broken heart back together.