Jacob: I hate to ask this, but... are you sure it’s mine?
What? I read the text twice, too stunned to comprehend what he’s suggesting. Then I read it a third time and the reality of his insinuation starts to sink in. He doesn’t know me at all, does he? He has no idea of the type of person I am, or that I’d never sleep with more than one guy at a time.
Abby: Of course I’m sure.
I peck each letter out angrily.
Abby: You’re the only person I’ve been with in nearly eight months.
I’m still seething after hitting send, so I type out another message, my fingers nearly punching through the screen.
Abby: How could you even ask that?
After another long moment, he finally responds.
Jacob: I’m sorry, but I have to be certain. You must understand that a
man in my position must be careful.
What the hell?That doesn’t even sound like him. I guess I don’t know him as well as I thought. And this is the father of my child.
Abby: I can assure you, with one hundred percent certainty, that there
is absolutely no chance of this baby being anyone else’s.
I wait even longer for his final response. It seems he’s trying to comfort me, but his assurances fall flat, completely missing their mark.
Jacob: Don’t worry. Everything will be ok. I’m going to help you.
That’s the last text I get from him before I receive the letter.