We get into bed and face each other just as we did last night. We kiss and touch, our breath mixing in pants and moans. This is how things go for the next couple of nights. Little by little, we go further than we did the night before, both of us growing more comfortable with increasing physical contact. Jacob’s hands and lips remain hesitant until I initiate a new form of contact, then he dives in with gusto. We still don’t make love, but attaining the same comfort level as before will take time.
And time is something we don’t have.
THURSDAY. ONLY TWOmore days before I say goodbye to Abby. I promised her I’d help her with yard work again today. She hasn’t been home since Tuesday, having stayed with me the past couple nights. Having her here has been incredible. We cook and eat our meals together, and when she climbs into my bed at night, I get to kiss her and feel her body. Each night, we push things a little farther. I just follow her lead, going as far as she’s comfortable.
Tonight, I have something special planned for her, something I’ve been working on for days. I had to pull a few strings to get it worked out on such short notice, but everything is falling into place.
After we finish up at her grandma’s house and eat a quick lunch, we head back to the cabin to get cleaned up. We shower separately, much to my disappointment. It takes all my willpower not to join her, but I know if I do, I won’t be able to help myself. I’ll want to be inside her. But that has to wait. Hopefully, tonight she’ll see how much she means to me. Tonight will be the perfect time for us to reunite with our heartsandour bodies.
“I need to run out for a bit. Can you be ready by four?” I have a few last minute details to take care of before we head out, and I also need to call my mother. She’s been blowing up my cell phone and driving me crazy, and I’ve been studiously avoiding her calls.
“Sure. What are we doing tonight?”
“That, my dear, is a surprise.” I cup each side of her face and brush her lips with mine.
“What should I wear?” she asks, trying to suppress her grin. She must like surprises.
I shrug, not wanting to give anything away. “Something kinda casual. Jeans. Nothing too fancy.” I turn to walk away but stop, needing to give her one important piece of information. “No heels. Make sure you wear flats.” High heels aren’t really practical for everything I have planned.
She smiles and clasps her hands together in front of her chest. “Okay!” I kiss her one last time before leaving, savoring the sweetness of her lips.
When I return home just after four, Abby is sitting at the kitchen island waiting for me, her big, bright smile lighting up the entire room. Her hair is pulled back, a ponytail of loose curls cascading down her back. Her lips are painted red, the same color as the thin belt on her dark wash jeans. She’s wearing a flowy, white, short-sleeved blouse with black polka dots, and her feet are clad in a pair of black ballet flats. She looks perfect.
“You are so beautiful,” I praise, pulling her into my arms. Her face flushes at my compliment. It’s true, though. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. “Let me change my clothes and then we’ll go.” She nods and I kiss her forehead before disappearing into my room.
I throw on a pair of dark jeans and a pale blue button-up, rolling the sleeves up a couple turns. I catch my reflection in the mirror and scrub my hand over my newly acquired stubble. I’ve never had a beard before, but I kind of like it. I know Abby does, and that makes me want to keep it.
Our drive takes longer than I anticipated. I’m antsy to get to our destination, for Abby to see everything I have in store for her this evening.
“Where are we going?” Abby’s bright green eyes look at me expectantly.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.” I give her a teasing smile.
“Can you at least give me a hint?” she prods.
“Hmmm,” I ponder for a moment, enjoying the sight of her squirming in the seat next to me. It’s the same way she squirms when she wants me to touch her, to make her come.
I clear my throat and shift in my seat a little. I can’t think like that right now or we’ll never make it to the airport. I try to think of the vaguest hint I can supply without giving anything away.
“Blue,” I answer finally. Blue. The color of the sky, which is exactly where we’re going to be in a half hour.
“Blue…” she repeats, concentration knitting her brows. “Blue could mean water. Are we doing something on the river?” She tries to hide her excitement, but I see it brimming just below the surface.
“Maybe. Who knows? It’s a surprise.” I grin at her flustered expression. She’ll find out soon enough. We’re almost there.
We pull up to the gate and the security guard lets us in after checking his itinerary and my ID. The airport is small, privately owned, and about an hour’s drive from the cabin. When I learned about this place, I just knew I needed to do this. For Abby. I’m not a big fan of flying, but I’d do anything for her.
Abby’s eyes widen as she glances back and forth between hangers. I stop the car and reach for her hand. Her big green eyes search mine and I give her a reassuring squeeze.
“Yes!” she replies excitedly. I can’t wait to see her face when she takes in the view of her beloved hometown from the sky.
She clenches my hand tightly as we approach the small aircraft. The closer we get, the tighter her grip becomes.
A middle-aged man in a pilot’s uniform approaches us and reaches for my hand. “Mr. Daniels?” he asks. I nod and shake his hand. “I’m Freddie. We spoke on the phone. I’ll be your pilot this evening. She’s all gassed up and ready to go.”