I do my best to hide my shocked expression, but I don’t think I’m doing a very good job. Jacob winces at my reaction, his confidence faltering. He’s basically asking me to live with him until he leaves. For good. I want more than anything to say yes, but I don’t know if I should. It will just make his leaving that much harder. But I told myself I was going to go all in, that I wasn’t going to worry about the future. Just live for today and enjoy what we have now. He opens his mouth and I fear he’s going to retract his offer.

“Yes,” I blurt out hastily, and probably a little louder than necessary. His eyes shimmer with delight as his smile grows.

“Great. We’ll swing by your house and you can pack whatever you need for the next few days, and then we can take it back to the cabin.”

I’m excited to spend the next few days with him. I’m not thrilled about the idea of telling my grandmother that I’ll be gone until Saturday, but I’m a grown woman and she’s never stopped me from making my own decisions. Or even my own mistakes. I just hope staying with Jacob isn’t one of them.

On the way to my house, my excitement dies down a bit when I think of Jacob’s best friend. “What about Luke?”

“WhataboutLuke?” Jacob asks, confusion furrowing his brow. He glances at me nervously from the driver’s seat.

“Didn’t you guys come here to do stuff? Together, I mean? I feel like Tiff and I have kept you guys from... I don’t know.” I search for the right words. “Extreme... sport... outdoorsy stuff.” Not exactly the best word choice, but it’s the best I can come up with.

He chuckles and grabs my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. “Luke and I have had plenty of time doing extreme sport outdoorsy stuff.” He kisses the inside of my wrist, and I’m certain he can feel my pulse race against his lips. “What do you think we do when you and Tiff are at work? Besides, if I had to spendallmy time with Luke, I’d lose my damn mind.”

I giggle, knowing exactly what he means. I like Luke okay, but only in small doses.

THAT EVENING, JACOBand Luke come to Rosie’s for dinner during my shift. Tiff is their server until six when she gets off work, and then I take over. When I set Jacob’s refill down, he pulls me into the booth next to him. I notice he hasn’t drunk any alcohol since Saturday. I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t want to, or if he’s afraid it will upset me. Either way, I’m glad since he always drives and Luke never turns down a drink.

Jacob nudges my ear with his nose, moving my hair aside. “Are you coming straight to the cabin when you get off?” He speaks low enough that no one else can hear, not even Luke. His deep voice sends shivers down my spine.

“Yes,” I answer, a little breathless. The grasp of his hand clenching my waist and the hot breath on my ear do funny things to my insides.

“Good.” He kisses my jaw just below my ear lobe and releases his hold on me.

“I’d better go check on my other tables.” I reluctantly slip out of his grasp and return to work. I can’t wait to get out of here and soak in that luxurious tub. My feet will be aching viciously by the time my shift is over.

When I get to the cabin, I find the guys in the den playing video games. Tiff is on the adjacent couch typing away furiously on her phone with her feet propped on the coffee table, foam toe dividers keeping her freshly painted toenails from touching.

“Hey sis, you want a pedicure?” She’s the first to notice me, and then two additional sets of eyes turn to find me standing behind the couch. Jacob jumps up and wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a quick kiss.

I make my way over to Tiff and sink down on the couch beside her. “Trust me, you don’t want to go anywhere near my feet right now.”

She giggles and nods toward Luke. “Can’t be any worse than Luke’s farts.”


“Whatever. You love the manly aroma of my flatulence,” Luke responds, never looking away from the TV screen. Tiff rolls her eyes, a smile tugging up one side of her mouth as she swipes a finger over her nail to make sure the polish is dry before removing the dividers. “Ahh, you killed me! You bastard!” Luke tosses his controller down with feigned anger. “Since I can’t conquer this kingdom, I’ll just have to conquer my woman.”

Tiff shrieks when he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. “Put me down!” She pounds on his back, laughing all the while.

“I can’t, Milady, I must protect your virtue,” he belts out in a horrible English accent.

Tiff snorts. “I think it’s a little late for that.” Her voice echoes down the stairs as he carries her to his room. Jacob and I both laugh at their antics.

“Are you hungry?” Jacob asks, standing and reaching for my hand.

“No, I just want a bath.” I slip my hand into his and let him lead me down the hall.

He turns the water on for me and pours the purple-tinged liquid into the tub, lavender-scented bubbles forming immediately. “I’d offer to join you, but I’ve already had my shower,” he teases with a wink.

“Well, that’s a shame,” I tease back. “Too bad you aren’t a little dirtier.”

“Oh, I’m sure I could find a way to get dirty again,” he offers, a heated look in his gaze.

“That’s okay,” I assure him and place my hands on each side of his face. As good as that sounds, I don’t know if I’m quite ready for that yet. I kiss him gently, breathing in his clean, masculine scent. “I won’t be long.”

He leaves me to bathe, and I soak in the luxurious scented water. When I emerge from the bathroom, squeaky clean, the scent of flowers on my skin, he insists on rubbing my feet and I graciously accept his offer. It’s exactly what I need. Being on your feet for eight solid hours is tough, but Jacob’s hands feel heavenly.