THE SCENT OFfresh strawberries and maple syrup invade my nose as I finish up breakfast. I fill two plates with fluffy pancakes and top them with fruit and homemade whipped cream. Abby still hasn’t emerged, so I make my way to my bedroom, the sweet aroma of hot cakes and syrup wafting down the hall behind me. I hope she likes what I’ve prepared. I expect her to still be curled up in bed, perhaps having fallen back asleep, but when I open my bedroom door, she’s nowhere to be found.
“Abby?” I call out, but there’s no answer.
I freeze, momentarily panicked that I pushed her too far and she slipped out somehow without me knowing. When I notice the bathroom door is slightly ajar, I walk over to it hoping to find her in there. I raise my hand to knock but stop short at the sounds of water lapping against the sides of the tub. I exhale my relief that she didn’t get spooked and take off and is only a few feet away, taking a bath. Once again, my mind is flooded with images of her naked and covered in suds. I close my eyes and let my head fall back between my shoulders, stifling a groan. I swallow hard and take a deep breath before pushing open the door. I might lose it all in my pants like a thirteen-year-old boy finding his dad’s stash of Playboys.
The door swings wide and I stand at the threshold. All my expectations and fantasies are shattered. The real thing is so much better. I try to play it cool, tempting and teasing her, but it’s no use. Before I know it, I’m in that tub with her and she’s in my lap. The water is warm, but her body is damn near scalding, especially that slick little spot between her thighs. I may have spent most of the night there worshipping her, claiming her, my name a moan upon her lips, but I could never get enough. I need to feel every inch of her, and those luscious, pink lips are beckoning me.
“I want to feel your mouth on me again,” I admit to her. It comes out a little harsher than I intend, but fuck, if this girl doesn’t have me wound up tight. I don’t think she minds, though. A little whimper escapes her lips just before she captures my mouth in a kiss filled with promises of seduction.
A moment later, we’re in my bed tangled in the sheets and each other. I roll onto my back and pull her on top of me. She presses her lips to mine gently before raising up and resting her bottom on her heels, kneeling between my legs. I try to raise up with her, but she presses her palm against my chest and gives me a little shove. She doesn’t utter a word, but her eyes say, “Lay back down.” I do as I’m expected, my stomach clenching, anticipation lighting every nerve ending on fire.
She slides her hand down my torso, her fingertips gliding along my abs lower and lower until she reaches my erection. She palms me, wrapping her dainty fingers around the base, and her head descends slowly until her lips graze the tip. I pant as I watch her stroke me and take me to the back of her throat. She pulls back, her tongue brushing the tip, before sinking back down again. I don’t want to take my eyes off her, but they close of their own volition. Can a man die from pleasure? If so, I’ve got one foot in the grave.
Her mouth and hands are a euphoric escape, and in this moment, I can think of nothing but her. I wish I could spend the whole day in this bed, wrapped in her arms and worshipping her body.
I need to be inside of her. I’m not going to last much longer, and I want to feel her body quake beneath me when I come. I sit up, pulling her up with me. Before she can protest, I flip her onto her back and cover her body with mine. When I pull her knees up and settle in between her legs, her sweet, slick heat is ready for me. She’s as turned on as I am right now. I groan and bury my face in her neck, inhaling her scent, a scent that is purely Abby.
I can’t hold back any longer. I plunge deep inside her, my kiss swallowing her gasp. Her tiny sounds turn into groans as I pin her arms above her head. Her legs snake around my hips, pulling me in deeper. I thrust in and out of her slowly, attempting to drag out as much pleasure as I can for her by delaying my own release, but she urges me to go faster. Her heels dig into my flanks, making me feel like a prized steed at the Derby. My girl is demanding. And insatiable. And I love it.
My girl.That’s exactly how I think of her.Mine.She has consumed my thoughts and burrowed her way into my soul, andI know I couldn’t stop this thing happening between us now if I wanted to. And I don’t. It scares the shit out of me, opening myself up this way and letting someone in, but there’s no way to un-feel what I’m feeling. It would be impossible to extract her from my heart at this point.
I gaze upon her beautiful face, this woman who now owns me body, mind, and soul. Her eyes are closed, lips parted slightly, dark tendrils of hair splayed across my pillow. My chest constricts, and in that moment,I know. I know with every fiber of my being that I love her. I’m in love with this woman, and I’ll never be able toun-love her.
I pick up my pace, needing to feel her shudder with release and her legs quiver with pleasure. I don’t have to wait long. Her body pulses around me and I join her in ecstasy.
“WHY THE FUCKare there cold eggs on the stove?” The skillet clatters as Luke tosses it haphazardly back onto the cooktop. His bare back faces us and his dark hair is sticking up in all directions. ‘Hangover hair,’ he calls it. It’s after ten o’clock and Abby and I have finally emerged from my bedroom. We’ve been enjoying each other all morning, our breakfast long forgotten.
“I got...distracted.” That’s all I offer in explanation. I hear a muffled giggle coming from behind me and I turn towards Abby, one eyebrow raised suggestively, and give her a playful wink. She must’ve been thinking about our morning romp as well.
“Does that mean you finally got lai-” Luke begins, turning towards us. “Oh, hey, Abby,” he says when she steps out from behind me. At least he had the decencynotto finish that sentence.
“Just turn the burner back on low. They’ll warm right up.” I nod towards the discarded eggs, needing to change the subject. I don’t want Abby to think I discuss our sex life with Luke. Unlike him, I don’t kiss and tell.
“Whatever. I just need coffee.” He grimaces and rubs his temples with both hands.Good, maybe I’ll win that bet we made.He grabs his cup of black coffee and heads back to his room.
“I’m going to run into town and grab a few things when Abby leaves for work and then come back to pick you up,” I call after him. “Be ready by eleven.” He flips me off before disappearing up the stairs. His surly mood isn’t unusual after a night of shooting tequila straight.
I reheat our breakfast as best I can. I scrape the strawberries off the pancakes, but the whipped cream had melted into them already. Hoping it will help the chewy pancakes, I throw a cup of maple syrup back in the microwave and nuke it again. All in all, our breakfast isn’t half bad. We eat in companionable silence, a sign of our growing comfort with each other. When we finish, I grab my keys and head for the door.
“You ready, beautiful?” I slide my hand into the back of Abby’s hair and pull her in for a quick kiss. She closes her eyes and leans her head against my chest, resting her hands on my shoulders. For some reason, this small gesture causes my heart to constrict.
“Not really,” she sighs with disappointment. I’m not ready, either. I don’t want to let her go. “But I don’t guess I have much of a choice.” She raises her head and looks back up at me, smiling sweetly even though I know she doesn’t want to leave.
“Don’t worry.” I press my lips to her forehead. “We have a date tonight, and I can’t wait to taste your cookin’.” She smiles for real this time, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
“SO, YOU FINALLYsealed the deal with Abby, eh?” Luke asks as we secure our life jackets. “Guess you’re not as big a pussy as I thought you were.” His laughter rings out over the water. I’m not as amused.
“Do youwantme to throw you out of that raft?” I threaten, gripping the yellow paddle in my hand until my knuckles turn white.
“Chill, bro. I’m just messin’ with you.” He snaps the chin strap of his helmet, securing it to his head. “I’ve never seen you this protective over a girl before. What’s so special about this one?”
I grit my teeth. I don’t want to talk to Luke about this. He’s never once cared about a girl. Admittedly, I’ve never felt anything like what I feel for Abby, but I’m not a detached and unapologetic man-whore like he is, either.
“Forget it. You wouldn’t understand.” Seriously, I’m not talking to him about my feelings. No fucking way.
“Try me,” he challenges, all hint of teasing gone. The sincere look in his eyes stuns me and I cave.