“It’s just-” I start, but don’t really know what to say. “I care about her,” I finally admit. “She’s not just some hook-up. I want to keep seeing her. Even after we go back home.” Luke nods as though he understands. For some reason, it makes me want to keep going. “I have something real with her. Something that could last. And I want it. I want her. I don’t want anyone else to ever touch her again. To love her. Just me.”

Luke seems surprised by my admission but quickly masks his shocked expression. “And how does she feel? Have you told her any of this?”

“No, but I think she feels the same way. The way she acts, the things she’s shared with me. You don’t do that with just anybody.” IknowAbby feels something. I don’t know how deep it goes, but it’s there. I hope she’s fallen just as hard as I have.

Luke opens his mouth to respond, but our instructor’s booming voice cuts him off.

“Okay, everybody, listen up!” I try to concentrate as he goes over all the risks and safety hazards, but my mind is fixed on Abby and what our future might hold. I’ve gone whitewater rafting a few times, but never on this river. I hope Luke is listening because he’s never done this before.

Fifteen minutes later, we’re floating down the river at a leisurely pace. We haven’t hit any rough water yet, but I know it’s coming. Soon, we’re paddling like crazy, bright yellow oars slicing in and out of the water like the needle on a sewing machine. Arms pumping and pulse pounding, angry waves chopping at us trying to claim us for the watery depths below. Sweat drips from my brow and chills of excitement pebble my arms.

When I look at Luke, I see unbridled terror in his stormy grey eyes.Please don’t panic, Luke.Panicking could be disastrous for all of us.

Luckily, he holds his shit together and we glide into smoother water again. Suddenly, his face contorts and I think he’s in pain. I don’t see any visible signs of injury, but he glances at me with his eyebrows furrowed and teeth gritted. Before I can ask what’s wrong, he leans over the side of the raft and heaves violently into the river. Groans of disgust echo all around us from our raft mates as Luke purges himself of every last drop of acid in his stomach. He scowls at me as I bellow with laughter, triumph and relief fueling my mirth.

“Fuck you, J,” he grumbles as he wipes the remainder of his bile on his wrist.

“Guess this means you’ll be spending Memorial Day entertaining Miss Greyson,” I taunt. “In a Speedo,” I add, reminding him of the stipulations of our bet. Luke gives me the middle finger for the second time today.

As we’re packing up, ready to head back to our cabin, Luke makes a confession of his own. His voice is so low, I barely catch it.

“I kind of like Tiff, too.”

I nearly drop my keys when he utters those six words. Luke has never, in all the years that I’ve known him, admitted to actuallylikinga girl.

“She’s different from the girls I usually sleep with,” he continues. “There are no pretenses. She doesn’t expect anything. She’s content with just hanging out and hooking up. She’s not trying to be my forever. I like that.”

It’s my turn to be surprised. This day is full of revelations for both of us. It’s not an admission of love, but it’s more than Luke has ever given anyone.

Maybe Abby has been right all along.


THE LUNCHTIME RUSHis always busy, but today it’s downright brutal. There’s a crowd of people waiting in the small foyer for a table and we’re down a server. An hour into my shift and I’m ready to throw in the towel.

Exhaustion aside, my muscles are deliciously sore from my night spent with Jacob. Just the thought of him brings a smile to my face and a blush to my cheeks.

“You are way too happy right now. I kind of wanna punch you in the face.” Tiff sidles up beside me at the bar and throws her tray down. She’s in a foul mood and it’s barely past noon. “Seriously, why are you in such a good mood?” She studies my face for a moment before her eyes widen with understanding and she gasps. “You didn’t!” she barks, a little too loud for my liking.

“Shhh,” I try to quiet her, glancing around nervously. I don’t want anyone else to hear this conversation.

“You little hussy. You finally did it, didn’t you? You slept with Jacob.” I give her a sheepish look, a dead giveaway that she guessed right, and her smile grows exponentially.

“It’s about damn time,” she huffs.

“Just don’t say anything to anyone. I don’t want everyone around here knowing my business, and word of that will spread like wildfire.” News travels fast in a small town. Whether it’s gossip or truth, people don’t hesitate to spread it. And me hooking up with an out-of-town stranger is some serious fodder for the rumor mill.

“Don’t worry. I’d never tell anybody.” She winks at me as she grabs her tray and heads back to her tables.

Rosie’s finally settles down after another hour or so. I make my rounds to my recently vacated tables to collect tips. As I’m stuffing the bills in the front of my apron, I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and not in a good way. Not like when I sense Jacob’s presence.

“Abby.” I cringe at the familiar voice and turn slowly towards the person I dread seeing.

“Caleb,” I reply curtly, crossing my arms over my chest. “What are you doing here?” Needless to say, I’m less than thrilled to see him. The smug look on his face infuriates me. He knows he’s making me uncomfortable.

“I just wanted to clear the air between us. You know, because of the other day.”

“I don’t have time for this.” I try to brush past him but he sidesteps my evasive maneuver, using his body and one of the tables to block me in. I don’t like this. I feel like a cornered animal and I’m ready to strike.