Page 21 of Season of Gifts

“Legs spread.”Henry used the low tone that wasn’t really a whisper but wasn’t a normal voice either.Bed voice.Playtime voice.Dom voice.“Wider.”

Alice spread her stance.Her shoes sparkled.Not in the front-and-back mirrors, but in the side-to-side mirrors that went down to the floor.Henry lifted the lacey folds of her dress and draped them across her back.Only the dark inner sheath covered her now.Stepping behind her, eyeing the side-to-side mirrors in turn, Henry inched up the rest of the dress.He cupped Alice’s ass, and she moaned softly, her body shaking in a long ripple.

“Mmm, there, yes.”Henry moved back.

The dress stayed perched at the top curve, baring Alice’s ass and the shadowy paradise between her legs.Henry strode to the full-length mirror and stood beside it.Reaching behind him, he came down with a white towel that hadn’t been on the hook earlier.He folded it into a narrow, fluffy strip and slapped it on the tile between Alice’s ankles.The length fit perfectly.

Unwinding Jay’s leash, Henry wrapped it in his fist.“Remind me of your safeword, Jay.”

Jay swallowed hard.Thank fuck for the pregaming and the cock ring.Henry always set him up for success.“Potholes, Master Henry.”

“Excellent.”Henry tugged him forward, toward the edge of the towel.“Kneel.”

He knelt.Henry pressed a hand to his back, giving him a forward lean.His face hovered inches from Alice’s thighs.

“Stay just like that, my dear ones.”

He didn’t dare move, not at the rustling behind him or the swish of Henry’s pant legs as he passed them going the opposite direction.If Jay shifted his eyes as far as he could to the left, he and Alice were visible in the mirror.Henry settled somewhere forward.

A low scratching sound—swift, short strokes—filled the room.Alice shivered.She could probably see Henry from her angle.Jay could see only her.His bobbing cock answered the tiny twitches in her thighs.He took deeper breaths, trying to slow down, but the slower he breathed, the faster Alice did.Right.Because his long exhales warmed the unfolding lips between her legs.

Mostly in this position he’d be using his mouth, not his eyes.The heat, that his tongue could feel.But the way she plumped up now, watching that was new.Her body swelled.Lips parted.A hint of glossy shine beaded, and the thick scent of desire flooded his nose.Hell, he was probably dripping on the towel by now, and he hadn’t even touched her.

Henry’s shoes tapped against the tile, and the scratching sound came again.This time, he’d crouched near Jay.His sketchpad lay cradled in his left arm.His right hand moved at speed across the paper.A page flipped.The pencil flew again.

Jay’s mouth watered.He swallowed hard.Every second was a choice between watching Alice get wetter, more ready, and watching Henry’s hand stroke back and forth.

The sketchpad disappeared.Henry touched Jay’s shoulder.“Stand for me, my very good boy.Shake out your arms and legs, please.”

As Jay rattled his bones like a hokey-pokey dancer, Henry lifted Alice upright and massaged her lower back.“How are your hands, sweet girl?”

She wiggled her fingers and flexed her shoulders forward and back.“Hands and arms are good, sir.But I do have an ache I can’t soothe.”

“Do you now?”With his face pressed to Alice’s neck, Henry delivered kiss after kiss, slow and open-mouthed and hot as fuck.

Alice must’ve thought so, too, by the way she squeezed her thighs together and whimpered.

“Is the waiting too much for you?”Henry’s bassy tease came with long strokes of Alice’s arms and the arches of her shoulder blades.“You’d like to ask for something more?”

Henry closed his teeth in the slope of Alice’s neck, and she shuddered in reflections in four directions.Her mouth hung open, but she wasn’t asking for anything in words, even when trembly moans floated out.

Henry kissed the place he’d bitten.No deep teeth marks, but Alice might have a kissing bruise there tomorrow.He returned her to the pillow and nudged her legs apart.“Jay.”

Yanking his focus from Alice’s shivering excitement to Henry’s narrowed eyes, he waited for the command to kneel.

“Step forward.Closer.”

Stepping that close put his thighs up against Alice’s.His cock drifted toward her ass and jerked.He hissed a breath through his teeth.Having his face so close to her and not being able to touch had been torture.Having his dick—

Henry took him in hand, grasping Jay over the cock ring, and slid him between Alice’s thighs.She was on fucking fire, and Henry had Jay’s cock in one hand and Jay’s leash in the other, and the inferno rolled through him like an orgasm without the release.He blinked away bright spots behind his eyes.His hips were thrusting, slowly, to the pace of Henry’s tugs on his cock.Alice slicked him on every pass, dancing and squirming when his cockhead bumped her clit.On the next thrust, Henry guided him inside her.Alice pushed back and closed the gap with a moaning sigh, her back arching, her hands curling into fists.

Surveying the mirrors, Henry squeezed Alice’s ass in his palm.Humming softly, he arranged Jay’s hands on either side of Alice’s hips, thumbs toward the center, just lifting the hiked-up edge of her dress.The leash dangled from Jay’s chest, and Henry looped a smaller bit of leather through the end of it.Like the one he’d used for Alice, only shorter, and both hooks—snap, snap—suddenly attached to the ring on that line.

He'd bound them together.

If Jay tried to pull too far back, his leash would lift Alice’s arms.Brightly colored ties tugged in memory, Henry’s first birthday scene for Alice, but this was different, deeper.The harness was ownership.Henry had made Jay the stud Alice called him.Tied him in place to service their wife and her needs.

“Now.”Henry combed his fingers through Jay’s hair, sliding it back.Pausing at the nape of Jay’s neck, he dug into the muscle, massaging, commanding.“I’m going to set the rhythm for you, Jay.Alice wants you to fuck her.I want you to do so very slowly.”