Sotheyweregoing somewhere.Not the symphony; that was an excuse for the fancy clothes.But to the playroom, for sure.
Jay kept his head bowed.Partly because the posture just felt better, felt right, but a lot because with his head bowed the leash swayed in his vision.Thick leather and polished steel tied him to Henry’s fist.The end of the leash snapped in over his heart.He couldn’t make his heart beat with the swing of the leather, though; his heart kept going too fast for that.His cock throbbed with all the extra blood rushing into it.
But Henry walked them past the bedroom door and pushed open the one to their big bathroom instead.Jay had showered after work—and pregamed with extra instructions from Henry to try for two quick orgasms.Which he’d managed, thanks to Henry leaving him a butt plug to play with.Now his dick was hard, but his balls weren’t tight and aching to let loose.Nothing else had seemed different, though.And no way would Henry put him in the shower with his harness on.
Alice entered first, lace swishing around her legs, giving glimpses of the bare skin beneath.If she had panties, he hadn’t seen them go on.She stood level with Henry in those heels; they ticked out sharp little taps, the pitch changing from hardwood to tile.Her ass swayed.
Henry followed her, shortening the leash and tugging Jay after him.The slightest yank went straight to his dick and his head at the same time, a wave of excitement and relaxation.Here he was Henry’s Jay; here his responsibility started and ended with listening to and obeying Henry’s instructions.
The padded bench for the makeup-and-jewelry counter had been pulled back.A handful of lumps lay on the ledge around the enormous bathtub, a silver bath towel hiding them.And something tall and dark stood between the low counter and the shower.Henry tugged him farther in.
The mirror!At the edge of the shower stood the new-old fancy one with the bumpy knobs, like a honeybee hive and an abacus had gotten together and knocked boots.He’d figured it had disappeared from the dressing room space because Henry hadn’t wanted them to see themselves in their outfits yet.But the way he’d angled it—
“Yes!”His cheer bounced off the tile.The room was big, like the size of an entire regular bedroom upstairs, but he was still kinda loud.“Sorry, Master Henry.”
“Ohh, most assuredly do not be sorry.”Henry reeled him in with the leash and rubbed his cheek with firm strokes.“Many months ago, you came to me with an idea.Two words, you said.”Pine-dark eyes pierced him, and he didn’t dare look away.“Do you remember them?”
“Alice,” he echoed himself.“Mirrors.”
Henry hummed agreement on some cock-thickening wavelength.“Alice.Mirrors.And thus, we embarked on a course that resulted in our move to this house.This home.”
Alice spun in a slow circle, mouthing what might have beenholy shit.And she should, ’cause damn, Henry had lined up four mirrors, one in each cardinal direction, and no matter where they looked, the Henrys and Alices and Jays extended into forever.Their dark clothes stood out against the white tile, reflected in the full-length mirror on the wall and the moveable bedroom mirror along one axis and in the mirror over the sinks and the one over the makeup table along the other.
“All because of our exceedingly clever boy.”Henry grabbed the back of Jay’s neck and his cock in swift moves and kissed him.Rougher than he had in the bedroom.The leash draped over Jay’s shoulder and pressed into his neck.His zipper was falling.The leash dangled down his back, Henry’s hand gone, but still the kiss went on, a growling, hungry thing.Two hands swept up his cock.
As quick as the first time, black fabric cradled his cock and balls, snugged them tight and happy.His shirt hung loose, tails fluttering around his open fly.
Henry stood behind him and turned Jay’s face toward the full-length mirror.Green eyes watched him.Devoured him.“My Jay looks like a submissive in need of a partner to play with.”Stroking the straps leading down to the center of Jay’s chest, Henry rubbed his nipples through his undone shirt.“And he so thoughtfully has already named one.Alice?”
She circled around them, her stomach shifting with each breath, deep belly breathing as she faced Jay.She gave him a soft smile and a scrunched nose before staring past his shoulder.“Yes, sir.”
Two early orgasmsanda cock ring.Henry wanted him to last a while.He tried to calm his racing heart, but electricity crackled in his skin.The hairs on his arms were practically standing up under his shirt.Either lightning was gonna strike him, or he was gonna self-combust.
Henry clasped Jay’s hips and rolled his own forward, thrusting lightly.“So many possibilities.”
Squirming against Henry’s cock, he fought the urge to bend over and spread his legs.If Henry wanted him to, he would say so.“You could try them all, Master Henry.”
“So I might,” Henry whispered in his ear.He let go and moved away, leaving Jay’s legs as wobbly as the last few pushes up a steep hill.Probably burned just as much energy imagining Henry fucking him hard and fast, demanding Jay come for him.
Henry, sidling up to Alice, skimmed her arm up and down, up and down.He tweaked the strap across her shoulder, sliding one finger underneath but leaving it be.“Arms behind your back, sweet girl.”
With her arms back, her chest thrust forward.The deep vee of her dress snugged tight against her breasts.Snaps sounded.In the mirror, a short bit of leather connected her wrists, its metal clasps hooking into the rings on her bracers.Another ring hung from the center of the leather.
Henry tickled her palms, and she shivered.“Pull.”
She tugged her hands apart; they got no farther than her sides, her fingertips barely peeking around her hips.
Henry scooped her hair in his hands and twisted it up, adding some clip from the counter that fixed it in place.The wispy hairs by her ears and the back of her neck floated down.“You’ll tell me if you experience any numbness or tingling in your hands, Alice.”
“Yes, Master Henry.”Her throat must’ve gone dry; she hardly had any voice at all.But she stared straight across at Jay, caught between him and Henry, and her pupils had practically swallowed the green-and-brown ring around them, even with all the lights blazing.She licked her lips.“I’ll tell you.I won’t forget.”
Henry spun her slowly in place; her heels wentclick click click.“Jay, there’s a small pillow behind you.Hand it to me, please.”
A pillow?Oh—yes, there was.Henry must’ve pulled back part of the towel when Jay was lost in the mirror.He passed over the pillow from the tub ledge.Narrow, kinda firm, not like a sleeping pillow or a couch pillow.More like a shove-behind-your-back pillow for office chairs.Henry laid it on the makeup table.
He held Alice front and back, his hands splayed in the open vee of her dress in front and the bare space between her shoulder blades in back.She bent forward, following his lead, until her head and neck rested against the pillow.
The dress swung against her legs.The solid dark part underneath the lace crept up toward her rounded ass, pointed right at Jay.Shifting slightly, he glanced behind him.Alice’s mirrored ass repeated again and again.