Page 66 of The Umbra King

“I was going to hug her,” Bruce cried. “I swear! She saved my daughter!” Lo’s lips pulled over her teeth in a lethal snarl.

“Wait!” Rory yelled. “Lo, don’t hurt him, please.”

Lo stood over him and refused to let him up, and Rory walked around to peer down at the man.

“Your daughter?” she asked.

He nodded vigorously. “Her name is Sera. A man, one of your victims, tried to rape her, but you stopped him. She recognized your face on the news.”

Rory’s hand flew to her mouth. She always wondered what happened to those she saved, but for obvious reasons, could never seek them out. People surrounded them now to watch the spectacle.

“Lo, let him up,” Rory commanded.

The panther huffed and backed up. She planted herself at Rory’s side and watched Bruce’s every move. He stood, stepped away from the giant cat, and held out his hand. “I wanted to thank you. My wife died when Sera was a child, and she’s all I have left.” Rory shook his hand as he continued, “I did what I could to get here, to thank you. She wanted me to thank you for her, too.”

“You came to Vincula on purpose?” someone in the crowd asked incredulously.

Bruce turned. “She is a hero,” he told them, pointing at Rory. He turned back to her. “Sera tells whoever will listen. She is determined to clear your name.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Rory babbled, too shocked to form coherent thoughts.

Bruce shook his head. “If you need anything while I’m here, it’s yours. My family will forever be indebted to you.”

It was Rory’s turn to shake her head. “That’s unnecessary, but thank you.”

She turned to her friends and motioned with her head to leave. Her emotions were all over the place, and she needed to be away from prying eyes. Asher ushered her through the crowd as they watched her.

She glanced back at Bruce. He reminded her why her crimes were something she should be proud of.

As the groupwaited for Tallent, Cat, and Kit at the bar, Max looked down at Lo sitting next to Rory’s chair and chuckled. “Feisty little thing, aren’t you?”

The cat nipped at his hand and rubbed against Rory’s leg. She hadn’t told her friends about the attack at the lake, and since Lo didn’t plan on leaving her side, she needed to.

“I think I know why she won’t leave,” Rory stated. The others looked at her expectantly. “I was at the lake a few nights ago, and Ronny attacked me. Lo killed him.”

Bellina gasped, Max looked unbothered, and Asher’s tan skin turned white. “What?” Bellina screeched. She looked at Lo. “I thought he was executed for breaking the law?”

The day after Lauren questioned Rory, Samyaza called a town meeting and informed everyone of Ronny’s death, stating he was executed. He never said where Ronny was found. Rory knew he was mauled by Lo, and it struck her as odd.

The panther swished her tail. “Everyone thinks you wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Asher accused.

Rory looked pointedly at Asher. “I told you she was vicious.”

“Why are you so calm?” Asher asked Max.

The old man shrugged. “I’m not surprised.”

Bellina leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Why would the commander lie?”

“He didn’t,” Max said, glancing at Lo. “He attacked Rory, and he died because of it. They never said at whose hand.”

Lo stepped toward Max and licked his pant leg, and he shook his leg at her. The others busted up laughing, and Bellina looked at Lo appreciatively. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

Lo yawned and laid her head on her front paws. Max’s blasé expression turned serious. “You don’t need to go anywhere alone outside of the palace.”

Rory knew that, and she hated the fact. “This is the first time I’ve beento town since.”

“Don’t leave the palace without one of us,” Bellina said, pointing between her and Max.