Page 65 of The Umbra King

Rory squatted beside him and pulled at a few weeds. “Why?”

“My wife’s leg was mangled in a vehicle accident. Even with a cane, she walked with a limp.” He sat back and wiped his hands on his pants. “A young man not much older than you walked by our house.” He looked at Rory’s surprised face. “We lived in theMunincompound.”That made sense.Most people lived in apartments, and the houses were all on the outskirts of town, primarily in the compounds.

Rory’s eyes were saucers. Max didn’t seem antisocial, nor did she ever expect aMuninto be violent.

“He called my wife a name I will never repeat. Our front yard was small, and it didn’t take many steps to get to him. I swung my shovel and broke his legs, so he’d know what it felt like to be in my wife’s shoes. I leaned over him and told him something for only his ears to ensure he never spoke about her again.” He shrugged. “I’ve been here for three years. My time will be up next month.”

Rory tried to unpack his confession. “What did you say?”

“That I would slam my shovel into his prized jewels if he so much as looked in her direction.” He returned to his work. “And I meant it.”

Rory coughed to hide her laugh, and she saw his lips twitch. “And you’re almost out of here? That’s great news!” She deflated, the weight of his departure growing by the minute. “I’m sure your wife misses you.”

He nodded. “I miss her every day. If I didn’t lose my memory, I would check in on that mother of yours.” He looked up with kind eyes. “You are good, Rory, and she deserves to know that.”

Rory patted his arm, unable to form words. Instead, she reached forward and plucked more weeds. They worked in a comfortable silence until a loud whistle pierced the air.

They both turned to find Asher and Bellina winding their way along the path with big smiles on their faces. “I told Asher your sight was fixed, and he insisted on coming to see for himself,” Bellina said as they approached.

Rory stood and wiped her hands on her pants before offering a hand to Max. “You can’t see through my eyes,” she teased.

“No, but I can quiz you. What color is this?” Asher asked, pointing to his green shirt.

She tinkered out a laugh. “Green. Happy now?”

He picked her up in a bear hug. “Congratulations! Bellina said the king fixed it?” Rory grinned widely. He reminded her of Keith.

“Yes. I’m as surprised as you are,” she replied. “Had I known he possessed the ability, I would have announced my grey-scale sight the moment I landed in the throne room.”

Bellina placed a hand on Rory’s arm. “We’re going out to celebrate.”

Rory’s stomach flipped. She’d avoided the town since her attack, especially since news of Ronny’s death spread, but Bellina looked happy, and Rory couldn’t help but give in. “Sounds good.”

Asher smiled, and Rory’s gaze caught on his hair. Her mouth parted in awe as she stepped forward and ran her hands through it. “Auburn,” she whispered. “It’s beautiful.”

She would never know Asher’s reply because he was ripped back and slammed to the ground. Rory and Bellina screamed, and Max pulled them both back.

Everyone looked around for the attacker, but no one was there. The garden was completely abandoned and there were no retreating footsteps to be heard. Rory ran to Asher and kneeled beside him. “Are you okay?”

He was gulping for air between coughs as he rolled over onto his stomach. Pushing up to his knees, his head swiveled to search thegardens. “Someone grabbed me,” he stammered. “I felt their hands on me.”

“There was no one there,” Bellina insisted, and her voice was bordering on hysterical, but Rory was calm as she watched shadows swirl and dissolve.

She knew exactly who did it, and her eyes scanned the garden for the king.

That evening,Rory, Bellina, and Max stepped through the palace gates to meet Cat, Tallent, and Kit. They were going out for dinner and drinks, and Rory was excited to see them in person.

They were walking down the sidewalk, talking excitedly, when a man stepped in front of them. It took her a moment to place him, but then she recognized him from the throne room.Bruce Stewart, Rory remembered.

“Are you Aurora Raven? The Butcher?” he asked.

Lo appeared out of thin air, surging forward from the shadows, and growled. Asher jumped back and glared at the cat before turning his attention back to the man.

Bruce backed up and held his hands up, eyeing the beast wearily. “I mean no harm.” He looked back at Rory. “Are you?”

“I am.” How did he not know? She was certain the inmates would have filled him in, warning him to avoid her.

The man’s eyes shined, and he took a step forward with his arms spread wide. Lo released a vicious growl and pounced on his chest as Asher tugged Rory back and Max stepped in front of Bellina. Rory huffed. While she appreciated their protectiveness, she could defend herself.