Page 69 of Rainbow Kisses

Kane Ness stepped into the center of the room, standing on the team logo. He had most of his gear and his skates on, dark skin gleaming in the fluorescent light.

Behind me, I heard Denny Hollowell say, “Uh, what’s going on?”

“Fiskers,” Kane said, “do you accept the challenge?”

I rolled my eyes at Ness, who was playing this for all it was worth. But I’d practically dug my own grave.

“Yeah, I guess I do. Let’s get this over with.”

Fuck.This was going to hurt.

“You both know the rules.The loser must wear the Tutu of Shame for the next warm-up and do the Dance of Contrition.”

The team was lined up along the boards, expressions ranging from outright glee from the veterans to utter confusion from the new guys. Obviously, the Devils hadn’t had a Challenge issued for at least two years.

Even the coaches sat on the benches grinning like they’d won the championship and sucking down coffee.

I’d fucking walked right into Rebel’s plan of utter humiliation. Of course, there was still a chance I’d win. I’d always been a faster skater than Rebel. But I wasn’t in great shape. I mean, I hadn’t completely let myself rot away. But Rebel looked like he’d been working out every day for the past twenty years. He was sleek, lean, and staring at me like I was a bug he was about to crush.


“For those of you who haven’t been here since the last Challenge, which Rebel won, by the way,” Kane smirked at me, “when a challenge is thrown down and accepted, the challengers have to complete an agreed-upon task. So what’s it gonna be, boys? Shots? Obstacle course? Or sprints?”

Since I’d been the one to accept the Challenge, I got to pick it. And none of them were a good fit right now. So I chose the task with the best chance of survival. Not necessarily the best chance of winning.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a couple of guys wince, but I kept my attention on Reb. He didn’t look surprised by my choice. Actually, he looked kinda smug. Good. I needed all the incentive I could get to pull through this without killing myself.

How fucking embarrassing would it be to hyperventilate and pass out in front of the whole team?

Rowdy skated over to me while Kane and a few of the other guys skated to the opposite end of the ice. Rebel waited with his arms crossed over his chest at the closest goal line.

“Sprints?” Rowdy looked at me with raised eyebrows. “You know he’s younger than you, right?”

“By two fucking years. Don’t be an asshole. Don’t you think I can keep up?”

“Do you?”

I gave Rowdy a look, which he correctly interpreted. Shaking his head, he waved a hand at me to line up with Rebel on the goal line. “Just don’t kill yourself to prove a point.”

I skated over to line up with Rebel.

“You know I’m gonna kick your ass, right?” Rebel glanced at me.

“I know you’re gonna try.”

“You two ready?” Kane called from the other end of the ice.

I took a deep breath and nodded, wondering how bad I was going to hurt after this.


“Brian? Are you okay?”

Rain had opened the door to her home seconds after I knocked, almost as if she’d been waiting for me.

I held out the pizza I’d brought, biting back a wince at the ache in my thighs.