“Yeah. I’m fine. Why?”
Taking the pizza, she gave me a wry look. “Because you look like you’re in pain. Did something happen at practice?”
I followed her through the house to the kitchen, where she put the pizza on the table then turned to examine me through narrowed eyes. Crossing her arms over her chest, she let her gaze travel up and down my body. And even though I knew she wasn’t looking at me with lust, my body responded like she was.
“Just a few sprints before practice.”
“Before practice?” Now her brows arched, and her gaze met mine. “Why were you doing sprintsbeforepractice?”
Sighing, I shook my head. I knew she was going to find out eventually. And I knew it was better she hear it from me. Still…
“Rebel and I dealt with some of our issues.”
She looked me up and down again. “I don’t see any visible bruising.”
“We didn’t fight.” I sighed again. “We Challenged.”
I could practically feel the exasperation rolling off her in waves. “You Challenged. As in one of you has to wear the tutu and do the dance.”
“Basically, yeah.”
“Oh, for—” She rolled her eyes. “You lost, didn’t you?”
I eased myself into a chair at the table, biting my tongue against a grimace.
“What makes you say that?”
She huffed out a sigh, probably trying to think of a diplomatic way to say,“because you look like shit.”
Instead of answering, she went to a cabinet and got paper plates and glasses then to the fridge for bottles of Coke. She put everything on the table then sat across from me.
“Because you let him win.”
“Not exactly.”
Her expression held a whole lot ofI call bullshit.“Really?”
I lifted my arm to reach for the soda and winced as it pulled something in my back.
When I looked at her, her eyes had narrowed even further. “Guess it’s good we don’t have a game until the weekend. How much pain are you in?”
“It’s not that bad.”
Her lips twitched as if she were holding back a smile. “Uh-huh. You want a piece? And I should I get the ibuprofen?”
She flipped open the pizza box and put a slice on a plate. When she looked up and noticed my grin, she laughed, a husky sound that made my cock twitch. “Down, boy. I’m not sure you’re in any shape for, um, extracurricular activities.”
“I’m not that old.”
I had to admit, at least to myself, that maybe I wasn’t exactly in shape for what I wanted to do to her. Then again, there were all sorts of positions we hadn’t explored, and a bed we hadn’t made it to last time.
“I didn’t mention your age, big guy. Just that you seem a little worse for wear. Because you challenged my brother to a freaking sprint duel.”
“For the record, he challenged me.”
While we ate, I gave her the rundown. How I’d chosen the sprints because I knew I’d have a fighting chance to actually beat Rebel.
“But yeah,” I said with a shrug, “I planned to throw it even if I felt I could win. Which, trust me, I couldn’t. Your brother’s a freaking machine. Maybe if he sees me humiliate myself, he’ll finally give me a break.”