Page 9 of Rainbow Kisses

I should’ve known she’d ask. That was the kind of person she was. Of course, she wouldn’t come right out and ask what was going on, even though I knew she had to be curious as hell. And I knew Rowdy hadn’t said anything to her about signing me because she’d been genuinely surprised to see me.

Looking up from the legalese that was making my eyes cross, I caught Rain as she bit her lip. And that pit in my stomach threatened to swallow all my internal organs.Fuck.My heartbegan to race, and my gaze got stuck on her mouth. And that definitely wasn’t good because she was sitting there staring at me, knowing that I was looking at her lips.

Shit. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Because she wasn’t into me. She’d never been into me. And I definitely didn’t want to make this weird.

Taking another breath, I said, “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know if I know what I need yet.”

She didn’t answer right away, even though I knew she must have a thousand questions. But she didn’t push or prod. Just nodded and gave me a genuinely kind smile.

“If you do, I’m here for you. For…whatever.”

If she only knew…

“Got any friends with twelve-year-old daughters?”

Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened in complete and utter shock. Then I realized what I’d said.

“Fuck. No. Sorry, that came out totally wrong. Shit.” I sighed, scrubbing a hand through my hair. “They’re for my niece. To make friends with. She’s twelve. She’s part of the reason I came back. Well, most of the reason.”

Rain blinked, and I could practically see her brain spinning. “Okay,” she said, drawing the word out to at least three syllables.

“Yeah, sorry.” I sighed and shook my head, as if that would help get my brain on track, frustration an ache in my gut. “I don’t mean to be cryptic. It’s just… I don’t really talk about this shit with a lot of people. Rowdy and your dad know what’s going on but…” I blew out a hard breath. “My sister’s in an inpatient program for the next month and a half, maybe two months. I’ve got custody of Maddy until then. I love my niece, but I’m out of my league with a kid her age.”

Rain held my gaze while she sorted through the information I’d just given her.

Then she said, “She’s a tween.”

Since that wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting to hear, I said, “A what?”

Rain’s lips quirked into a little smile. “That’s what kids her age are called. She’s almost a teen. It’s a rough age.”

“God, that’s an understatement. Don’t get me wrong, I love her to death, but I’m fucking terrified of screwing this up. Screwing her up. That’s why I came back here. Because I know there are people here who won’t let me fail. People who will look after Maddy when I can’t be around. People I trust.”

One of those people was sitting right in front of me, eyes wide and maybe a little wet. “Brian. I’m so?—”

I held up my hand to stop whatever she was going to say. “I didn’t tell you that for sympathy. We don’t need sympathy. But I do owe you an apology.”

Now her brows drew down hard. “What? Why?”

Now or never. “For laying out Zelinsky. I’m not sorry for punching him. The bastard deserved it. But I am sorry for making it awkward for you.”

Rain stared at me wide-eyed for a second before shaking her head. “You didn’t. Make it awkward, I mean. Honestly. I never heard from the bastard again after that night, so I should thank you.”

I blew out a frustrated sigh. “You don’t have to?—”

Standing, she walked around her desk and sat in the chair next to mine. Then she put her hand on my arm. And my libido sat up and practically begged for her to pet me.

“Yes, I do. Because Iamthankful. But I really hope you didn’t leave the league because you thought I would do something to get you in trouble. The only reason I didn’t say anything about that night was because you left the team the next day and no one seemed to know why. Mo never said a word, at least not that I got wind of. If he had, I would’ve made sure everyone knew he’dended up on the floor after you punched him. I just didn’t know what to do when you disappeared.”

“I’m really sorry?—”

“Brian. Stop. Seriously. Stop saying you’re sorry for sticking up for me, or I’ll think you didn’t mean to have my back and just slipped and ended up flattening Mo accidentally.”

The smile on her lips and in her eyes rocked my world. Seriously, I thought for sure the floor was shaking. I could only stare back at her and debate the wisdom of kissing her.

It wouldn’t take much for me to lean over the arm of the chair and smash my lips against hers and kiss the hell out of her, like I wanted to do. I also knew that would be the worst thing in the world. I’d prove to be just like Zelinsky, taking something she hadn’t given permission to take.

And this was the worst friggin’ time for me to be lusting after a woman, even if that woman was Rain Lawrence. Especially since that woman was Rain Lawrence.