Rowdy huffed. “Let me know if you still think that after the first few days. We’re on a winning streak so practices have been a little more, uh, intense.”
My eyebrows rose in surprise. “Winning streak, huh? That’s new.”
Rowdy’s expression brightened even more. “Yeah, it is, and I like it, so we’re trying something different this year. Actually trying to improve our game.”
Well, fuck. To say I was out of shape was an understatement. But I didn’t figure I’d be playing all that much anyway, so I wouldn’t drag the team down.
“You’ll get up to speed in no time.” Rowdy clapped me on the back. “Find me after you’re done with Rain. We can catch up.”
“Hey, can I get a rain check on that? I left Maddy in the hotel room?—”
“You know you could’ve brought her along.” Rowdy shook his head. “Look, why don’t we plan to get together for dinner this week. Tressy and Krista would love to meet Maddy, and you and I can catch up. How about Thursday night at the Tea Room? I’ll check with Tressy and let you know what time.”
“Let me make sure Maddy’s okay with that before I agree.” Since her mom was in rehab for alcohol, maybe the kid wouldn’t want to go to a bar, although the Tea Room was more than a bar. “Shouldn’t be a problem, but?—”
“No problem. Just text me and let me know.”
I nodded. “Thanks, again, man. For everything.”
“Trust me, you won’t be thanking me after your first practice.” Rowdy’s expression made my eyebrows rise. “Which, did I mention, is at ten tomorrow morning? But please stop thanking me. I told you you’re actually helping me out here.”
Shaking my head, I managed a true smile. “Can you point me toward Rain’s office?”
Rowdy’s smile turned sly. And knowing. And yeah, that was not happening.
“Last door on the left. She’ll have the paperwork you need to sign.”
I turned to look where he was pointing.
“And Brian?”
“Give yourself a break.”
Nodding, I turned and headed down the hall, my mind already consumed with the need to see her again. No, not need. That was ridiculous. I didn’tneedRain. I wanted her. Two very different things. And considering I couldn’t do anything about that want, I just needed to be professional.
Yeah, like professional and St. David Devils go together.
I stopped just before I reached the door then knocked on the jamb. The door was already open, but I didn’t just want to walk into her office.
“Come on in.”
I took a breath. “Hey, Rain.” I was going for casual, but I probably ended up sounding like a dick. She looked up fromwhatever she was doing on her laptop, her eyes caught mine, and I thought,yep, this is gonna be torture.
Her smile twisted my gut into knots and the welcome in her warm dark blue eyes sent my blood pressure skyrocketing. It was only through sheer determination that I did not get a hard-on. Give me a pat on the back.
“I’ve got the papers you need to sign.” She waved at her desk, and I hoped like hell I didn’t have to sign all the papers covering it. It looked like the damn printer had just kept spewing papers for hours. “Sit down, and we can make this as painless as possible.”
I huffed out a laugh because just being in the same room with her was proving to be painful, considering the ache in my crotch. Taking the seat on the other side of her desk, I looked at the stack of papers she’d placed on the edge of the desk closest to me.
“If you want to read through them, I can go through each one?—”
“Not necessary.” Rowdy had already given me his word that I wouldn’t be traded, and I knew how much I’d be making. Nothing else mattered. “Just give me a pen and show me the dotted line.”
I sensed her hesitation before she grabbed the pen beside her mouse and handed it over.
“Brian?” She paused. “Is there anything I can do to help?”