Page 44 of A Different Husband

I cringed as my mom came and pulled Gayle away. My dad only grew angrier at his brother while Beckett made sad, puppy dog eyes at Courtney. She wasn’t paying attention though. She took advantage of everyone else being distracted and dug into my mom’s peach cobbler that had been left unattended on the table. I thought about asking her to share, but remembered what the doctor told us just a bit ago. My woman was eating for three, not two. She could have the whole damn cobbler to herself.

Chapter 24


“My stomach kinda hurts,”I complained as Flynn drove us home from the failed family dinner. “We didn’t even get to tell them we’re having twins,” I pouted.

Flynn dropped his hand into my lap and squeezed my thigh. “We’ll tell them another day when the news isn’t overshadowed by all the drama from Aunt Gayle and Martin’s divorce.”

I chuckled. “It’s kind of funny that you call her Aunt Gayle, but Martin is only Marty and he’s the one you’re related to by blood.”

“I am a firm believer in being able to pick your family. Some of them don’t deserve the title.”

“I won’t argue there. I’ve had many days where I wished I could pick a different Mom.”

“You kind of did.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you married me and got my mom in the mix. Technically, you got to pick.” Flynn winked at me as I rolled my eyes at him.

“Be glad your mom is a good one.” I sighed. “I feel bad for Gayle. She has to suffer for her son and husband’s mistakes. It doesn’t seem fair.”

“No, it doesn’t. It would be nice if all the assholes flocked to one another, but they’re usually good at picking up on all the shady shit, since they do it too. They have to go after the nice people who aren’t looking too closely at what they’re doing.”

“I never thought of it like that.”

“It’s not something you have to worry about with me. I bought something at the store earlier,” He mentioned and I could tell it was just to change the subject, but I played along.

“I hope it wasn’t pie. Your mom’s cobbler was delicious, but I think I had way too much.”

My husband had the audacity to laugh at me. “No, it’s not pie. It’s belly butter.”

“Belly butter?”

“Yeah, you know, like a special kind of lotion for pregnant bellies. I thought, since we found out we’re having twins, we should probably do what we can to take care of your skin. It’s going to stretch so much with our babies.”

“Are you saying you won’t love me when I’m all stretch-marked and loose skinned?”

“I’ll love you no matter what your outer package looks like, Courtney. It’s not your body I’m in love with.”

I gasped and stared at him as he watched a tear track down my face. “You said you’re in love with me.”

“I am.”

“Are you sure?”

He grinned at me before he turned back to the task at hand. Thankfully, we were almost home. Once I got him in my arms, it was debatable whether I’d ever let him go again.

“I am positive. No matter what, I will love you just the same - more when I watch as you bring our children into this world because that is a miracle I can’t perform.”

“Are you trying to make me cry?” I blubbered from the passenger seat. I could tell my husband was trying not to laugh at messy hormones, but he wasn’t doing a great job at hiding it. “Not unless they’re happy tears.”

“Of course they are. Why would anyone be sad to have you love them?” I grabbed a fast food napkin out of the glove box and blew my nose into it. “I love you too, you know.”

“I know you do.”

“No, I mean, I’ve been falling in love with you too.”