“I’d like to be there, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind. If I am pregnant, it’s most likely yours unless I’m having one of those weird pregnancies where the woman doesn’t know, and I doubt that very much.” When she stopped to look at me, it finally dawned on her that she didn’t have to break the news to me. “How did you know?”
“I’m not as dumb as I look. I think I probably figured it out about the same time you did.” I laughed as I thought about overhearing her conversation. My hand was on the doorknob, ready to turn it to enter our bedroom when it occurred to me that she had been sick two mornings in a row and I for both of those mornings, I brought her the same things we kept on hand for the women who were pregnant in the office.
“Also, you and Hadley weren’t exactly quiet about it when you called her, even though you were trying to be.”
“You also don’t seem angry,” My wife pointed out.
“Why would I be?”
“We didn’t exactly marry for love, Flynn.”
“No, but what’s to stop that from happening? I love you, always have,” I admitted.
“Yeah, as friends,” My wife corrected.
I shook my head once, and then remembered she probably wasn’t ready for the whole truth about my feelings just yet. “That’s a better starting point than a lot of people have when they become parents. At least this wasn’t a one-night stand with a stranger or…”
“A pregnancy with my maybe cheating ex-fiancé,” She filled in as I winced.
“Yeah. That would suck.” I agreed. “The thing is, we’re already married. We’re friends. We’re working on ourcommunication skills. By the time this little one gets here, we’ll be a well-oiled machine at this relationship stuff.”
“So, youwantto have this baby?”
The way she emphasized the word “want” made me sit up and take notice. I hadn’t even thought about the fact that she might not want to carry the pregnancy to term, or be a mom. It wasn’t something we really talked about yet.
“If you want this baby, then I am in a million percent. If you don’t, then I’ll be okay with that because it’s your body. You get to decide.”
“What is your preference?” She asked.
I shook my head again. “My preference doesn’t matter.”
“It does, Flynn. This is our baby. If I really am pregnant, then it is both of ours.”
I took my hand and placed it over hers where she had rested it on her belly as if to protect the very idea of what might be growing inside her. “I think you already made your decision,” I told her softly, “ and that’s great because it aligns perfectly with what I want.”
“Really?” She questioned as big tears formed in her eyes and spilled over.
I caught the first one with my fingertip as it spilled over. “Really, Nemesis. I can’t think of any better news than starting a family with the one woman I trust to do the best damn job of parenting with me.”
“Thank you,” She whispered before she laid her head on my shoulder.
“Pretty sure I should be the one thanking you for being willing to bring my spawn into the world. Imagine what it will be like in a few years when your little vengeance demons start to curse us for running out of cookies.”
Courtney’s laughter made my fucking heart sing. It was like a dream come true. Not only was she finally mine, but she was also carrying my baby.
Chapter 22
“It lookslike your due date aligns perfectly with your suspected date of conception,” The doctor told us as she moved the wand around on Courtney’s belly. You’re just about at the eight week mark now, and listen.” She hit a button on the machine and a fast-paced whooshing noise came through the speakers.
“Is that?” My wife asked. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked back at me after the doctor nodded her head. “Our baby’s heartbeat, Flynn.”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I caught that.” I tried to choke back the emotion in my own voice. The baby had been this idea, an object that was beyond comprehension because it was out of sight. Somehow, hearing the heartbeat did more to make it real than anything else.
“That’s our baby,” Courtney blubbered as her eyes moved back to the screen. I wanted to look too, but I couldn’t take my eyes off my wife. When I glanced over at the doctor, she was watching me with a big smile on her face.