“I’ll get some pictures printed off for you. There will be a prescription for a good prenatal vitamin at the counter when youcheck out. You can opt for one that is over the counter, but I really like this one because you get more of the vitamins mom and baby need and less of the extra junk that they don’t.”
“Then that’s what we’ll get,” I assured her.
After the doc left us alone in the room, I helped Courtney wipe all the goop off her belly. “We’re probably lucky she was able to see the baby this way.”
“What way?”
“With the wand on my belly.”
“Is there another way?” I asked because I honestly didn’t know. I thought all sonograms were done with some gel splashed on the belly and the little wand pushing uncomfortably on someone’s bladder. That’s what all the pregnant women I had ever known led me to believe anyway.
“Yep, in the early stage of pregnancy, they usually have to do a transvaginal ultrasound.”
“Trans-vag-” Is that what I think it is?” I asked, almost horrified to think that they might have shoved what amounted to a camera up my wife’s pussy.
“Yes, it means they stick a condom on a wand and insert it inside a woman to see the baby.”
“It’s for the best that they didn’t have to do it that way, sweetheart.”
Courtney chuckled and then held her hands out to me, so I could help her down from the table. “I guess this makes it official. We’re going to be parents.”
I pulled her into a hug and didn’t even want to let go. “What would you say if I asked you to go out on a dinner date with me tonight?”
My wife grinned up at me. “We’re married, Flynn. You don’t have to ask me out on a date.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. We’ve never really gone out on a date before because we got married first. I think we need to havea designated date night at least once a week until the baby gets here and then again after he or she is a few months old. I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re not a priority to me. You are and we need to keep a healthy balance in our lives.”
“Best to start the habit now, huh?” She teased.
“Exactly. So, what do you say? Are you feeling up to dinner?” I glanced down at the time on my phone as we walked to the reception desk to make Courtney’s next appointment and pick up her prescription.
“As long as we can go within the next hour or so. I’m starving.”
“We can go whenever you’d like.”
We had only just sat downand ordered our drinks when the waitress came back to our table and smiled as she started to pour from a bottle of wine neither of us ordered. Courtney couldn’t even drink it, for obvious reasons.
“We didn’t order wine,” I reminded the woman, thinking she had the wrong table.
“Oh, no it was a gift from…”
“Stephie, please come help!” A frantic woman called out as our waitress turned her way. She glanced across the room and groaned audibly.
“Not again!” She set the bottle of wine on the table along with the one glass she managed to pour, and took off with a quick, “So sorry, I’ll be right back.”
“Well, I guess the wine will remain a mystery for now.” Courtney giggled as she picked up the bottle and stared longingly at the label. “It was Satan,” She announced.
“What was Satan?”
“The one who sent our table a bottle of wine. It had to be Satan. Who else would send my favorite wine when I can’t drink it?”
I glanced around to see if I noticed anyone familiar, but no one stood out. Courtney picked up the filled glass, but I stopped her before she could take a sip. “You can’t remember?”
“I was only going to sniff it. Can’t I just…” She held it up to her nose and closed her eyes as she took in the delightful scent of tropical fruits and honeysuckle.
When I got it back from her, I also scented some sort of spice mixed in with the rest. My wife watched every move I made as I sipped the rich white wine.
“I can see why it’s your favorite.