I wokewith the woman I’d been dreaming about for a decade in my arms. Despite the serious nature of our situation, I didn’t want to move. She must have felt me do so anyway because she shyly pulled away far enough to look down into my eyes. It was the sweet-as-sugar smile that accompanied the look that sent my heart hammering hard against my ribs. I gave the gentlest of tugs on her arms and she came to me without a second of hesitation.
Trinity’s lips met with mine and we started to kiss when the reason I was awakened came again. Three drawn out taps on the window followed by two more in quick succession. Trinity flew off me, but I took my time. It was a signal we used within the club to let other brother’s know one of us was there.
“It’s okay, sweetness. Those taps mean it’s the club.”
“And the club is tired of being locked out with the fucking coyotes. Move that cot and let me in,” Hollywood demanded. I jumped off the cot, pushed it aside, and didn’t have to let him in because he pushed through the door and pulled Trinity into his arms immediately. For some odd reason, it didn’t make me jealous at all to see them in each other’s arms. I think it wasbecause he truly saw her as the little sister he never had. The minute Trent came home in a box, he took over being her big brother, not just the pseudo-cousin everyone claimed they were.
“Don’t you ever do something so stupid again.”
“You would have lost her if I hadn’t followed.”
“Better to have to hunt all those fuckers down and make them pay than lose you too.”
“So Tash is….” Trinity couldn’t bring herself to say it the same way I hadn’t been able to confirm it for her yesterday. Part of me hoped that I was wrong, even though I knew better.
“Yeah, Trin. She’s gone.”
“And it was supposed to be Reesa? They went after my friends, Carson. How could you expect me to do anything but follow behind them? You and Uncle Bishop taught me how to shoot and drive. I had it covered.”
Hollywood chuckled and then pulled back and frowned down at his kutte. “Damn woman, something’s covered. You with every bit of fucking mud and clay on the mountain. I’m surprised the fucking thing didn’t turn into a hill for all of the earth you’re wearing.” Hollywood’s eyes peeled to the side to take me in as well. “Did the two of you roll around in a fucking mud puddle?”
“Something like that. I hope like fuck you have a car somewhere close.”
“Parked my ride with yours and brought Trin’s Jeep down since the keys were in it. Don’t worry, the assholes gave up and regrouped back in Murphy.”
“The Martinelli Mafia from Chicago are just hanging out in North Carolina?” Trinity asked and Hollywood’s eyes met mine. He wanted to know why I’d told her that much. “Don’t look at him. People were shooting at me, you ass. I had the right to know who was trying to gun me down.”
Hollywood’s eyes snapped back to Trinity’s. “Precisely why you will never pull that shit again. It’s bad enough those fuckersknow what you drive and if any of them are smart enough, they also got your plates, and can have your address by now.”
Fuck! I hadn’t even thought about any of that. “You’re going on lockdown with the club, Trin.”
“I’m not close enough to the club to…”
“You are now. You’re shit deep in our mess and look the part too. Now, I don’t know about the two of you, but you both need a fucking shower. You stink.” Hollywood stormed back out of the cabin and I stopped Trinity from automatically following behind him.
“Trin, when we get back.”
“Everything will be the same as it always was,” she huffed before she snatched her arm back out of my hand and followed my brother out to her Jeep.
“Do you think you’ll be okay to drive with one of us in front and behind the whole way to the clubhouse?” Hollywood asked her.
“Yeah, I’m good.” She turned back to me then with concern in her eyes. “Will you be okay to ride? I know how stiff I am today. I can’t imagine having to balance a motorcycle after everything.”
“Been through worse sweetness.” If she hadn’t been covered in caked on dirt, I’d bet money that she blushed over that endearment. After our kiss this morning, she earned it.
“Right. Let’s get you two to your rides then.”
Ghost was outside with Quickshot when the three of us first rolled into the compound. The minute we hopped off our motorcycles, they were on us. “Thank fuck. I want a complete rundown after you have time to clean up and get some foodin your system.” Ghost’s orders counted as much as Sweet’s or Quickshot’s, since he was the National Prez.
“Darlin’, glad to see you. Our club owes you.” I could tell by the way he glanced back at me that he was curious to know just how much we owed her.
“Terry Mattheson is dead. A few of the goons who were chasing her are also gone. Would have lost them if not for Trinity calling in and giving us the play-by-play of where they were headed. She’s locked down with us for now.” The last bit was a demand that I refused to let them dismiss.
“Of course, she is.” Quickshot gave me a funny look and then pointed toward the door. “Let’s get you guys inside.”
“You mind if we have a prospect move your Jeep out of sight, darlin’?” Ghost asked.
“As long as it isn’t the dick who answered your clubhouse phone yesterday.”