“Need you to tell me all about that, so we can make some improvements.” Ghost told her. She nodded her head.
“The first improvement you should make is to get rid of him.” We all chuckled at that.
“He got through to me, sweetness. That’s why I called you.”
“Well, that’s the only thing he did right then,” she huffed. Good to know my woman was not going to be friendly with the good looking asshole who had recently started to prospect for our club. He was just about her age, too. Ghost and Quickshot went inside before we did, since Trin had to hand over her keys to a prospect. After that was done, Hollywood and I came through the door with Trinity trailing behind. It was obvious she wanted to hide in the background as our brothers welcomed us with a round of hugs and back slaps. She stood quietly in the background as everyone got their fill. It only lasted a few minutes before Reesa came into the common room and noticed Hollywood and me standing there.
“Oh my God! They’re back. Where is Trinity?” Reesa shouted and it fucking warmed my heart to know that my woman had someone at her back through all this. That she was a member’s old lady, or soon to be one, made it even better. It created another tie to keep Trinity bound to the club until I could convince her that she should be mine. I knew she wanted me just as much as I wanted her and I was done fighting the connection between us. I sure the fuck wasn’t going to let something a conniving bitch I once fucked did keep her away.
Reesa threw herself into Trin’s arms, not giving a single shit that she was covered head to toe in mud and debris from the mountain. “I was so worried about you,” she told Trinity.
“Shit, Ree, you don’t even want to know what that crazy bitch tried.”
“Where is she?” Reesa asked as her eyes scanned the rest of the room for the bitch who killed one of ours when she’d been gunning for Ressa and her family.
“Dead,” Trinity informed her.
“You killed her?” Reesa asked with no small amount of awe in her voice.
“Not for lack of trying, but no, someone else got the pleasure.” Trinity’s eyes found mine in the crowd and I gave her a little nod. “I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. Why didn’t you call me?”
“I was afraid to.”
“Why?” Trinity asked. I could hear the hurt in her voice. She didn’t like that her friend had been afraid to get in touch with her to help out.
“Tillie wouldn’t take us in, and I didn’t want to chance the fact that you and Shaina might get hurt. I called Walker because I knew he would keep us safe.”
I didn’t hear much else because the prospect who had tipped me off that Trinity was following Terry yesterday walked into theroom. I wasn’t sure if I trusted the guy yet, but his quick reaction to get a message out to me probably saved Trin’s life, and for that I owed him.
“Walker, Snake, Trouble, and Hollywood,” our VP called out, “Church in five.”
I turned back to let Trinity know that I’d be back out as soon as possible, but I heard her talking to Walker. “I’ll help her as soon as I find a spot to take a shower and get some clean clothes on.”
“We have an ensuite in the room they put us in. Use that. If Reesa’s shit doesn’t fit you, have her check with the other old ladies to see if they can find you something comfortable.”
“Thanks, Walker.”
He thanked her for helping out as I mentally kicked my own ass for not getting her to a shower immediately. Later, I would make sure she had clothes from home with her. As we headed into church, I pulled Hollywood back for a minute. “Has anyone been able to check if the Martinelli’s have been by Trinity’s house?”
“Not that I know of. Let’s get through church. You can bring it up there, if need be, or we can swing by and check once we’re done briefing everyone on what went down.” I nodded, went inside, took my seat, and tried my best not to fucking fall back asleep the minute my ass hit the chair.
The guys worried for nothing.No one had been by my house and when they realized I knew that because I had cameras watching the place inside and out, they calmed down a bit. Despite my offer to go in and keep Paramour running while the girls of the S.H.E. MC mourned the loss of an important member of their family, they turned me down. All of their businesses were closed down for a bit to give everyone time to get through, not just the death of Tash but of MiMi as well. I wasn’t sure what was going on with Angel Girl because it was club business and no one would tell me, but something had happened and she had been taken to stay in West Virginia with her father. Her husband Sweet and their kids were there as well, and no one could say if they were coming back.
I never knew just how in the dark the women tied to the Aces High MC were kept until everything went down. I was told very little and what I did know was because Reesa filled me in. Eventually, JoJo came to see me.
“I can’t really get into a lot of details, but the club is going through some shit,” She started out. I took her hands in mine as we sat side by side on the couch I’d bought three years earlier toreplace the one that had been there since I was about five years old.
“You don’t have to explain things to me. I know everything is up in the air. I’ll find another job and be just fine. You really didn’t need to come all the way here to…”
“No, that’s not what I came here to do,” She insisted right away. “You’re the only one I trust to run Paramour. Keys is President now, and we already discussed it. We’re willing to give you a bump in pay. I’d offer you benefits, but you already had those.” I nodded. “The thing is, I run my shop. Keys is head of our cyber security team and Redemption Inc. We’re pulled thin. Legs has her own shit to handle, and Christina has stepped out to help out where she can. I know you’re not a member of the MC, but you have ties to us through Paramour as well as ties to Aces High through Bishop and Hollywood. It makes sense that you run the club.”
“I was pretty much already doing that,” I admitted. JoJo nodded her head.