Page 51 of Growing Into Love

Cass frowns at me. “What the fuck, Jaz?”


“Are you seriously interrogating me right now?”

“No!” I cry.

“Do you think I didn’t consider all that myself? Do you honestly believe I came up with this idea on a whim? That I’m not capable of making abusiness plan?” She uses air quotes, her nostrils flaring.

Crap. This isn’t how I meant for the conversation to go.

“Not at all,” I stammer. “I only—could push—maybe not—one year!”

The unsaid words crowd at the back of my throat, mocking me.

“The fuck?” Cass says.

“I didn’t know if maybe it would be better to wait a year or so,” I say in a rush. “To make sure you’re prepared.”

The shuttle pulls up. Cass is really fuming now.

“You sound just like Declan,” she snaps, then tosses her banana peel in the bin and climbs onto the shuttle behind a slender man in his thirties with a thatch of blond hair and an older gent wearing a flat cap. Cass makes of point of sitting by herself. The blond man sits in the seat across from her. I take the one in front.

“Hi there,” he says. “Are you two competing at the Classic as well?”

“I am,” Cass says. “I’m Cass Wright.”

She doesn’t seem inclined to introduce me.

“I’m Jaz,” I say. “I’m the trainer.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Scott Lowell and this is my trainer, Neil.”

Neil gives us a gruff nod.

“Where are you folks from?” Cass asks.


“Gosh, I’d love to visit California. Do you surf?”

Scott laughs. “No, never got into surfing.”

“I thought all Californians were surfers,” Cass says. Scott laughs again. I feel a pinch of defensiveness. I wish he’d stop looking at her like that. I want to talk to Cass alone and apologize.

“D’you know any of the other competitors?” Cass asks.

Scott begins to tick off on his fingers. “I know David Goldstein, he’s solid. Louise Allen is riding a new horse this year so not sure how she’ll match up. Oh, and Nigella Bags-Lavisham is maybe the toughest of the bunch. She’s from England too.”

“Yeah, I know Nigella,” Cass says grumpily. She catches me looking at her and turns to glare out the window.

When we arrive at Windy Acres, Cass and I head off to Gal’s barn. Scott’s horse is being stabled at a different barn; he gives us a wave and heads off with his trainer. Cass is still giving me the silent treatment as Lisa runs up to us.

“Morning!” she says. “I’ve got Galadriel all tacked up and ready for you.” She beams at me, her face going pink. Seems like she’s got her asthma under control today.

“Cheers, Lisa,” Cass says. “Hey, tomorrow I’ll tack her myself, eh?”

“You got it.” Lisa turns to me. “Morning, Jaz.”